Short reports are a great way to share your expertise and make money as well. A short report consists of 15-20 pages and is usually sold from $7 to $17 whereas ebooks may be over 100 pages and sell for $27 and up. Short reports are easier to sell because they don’t affect the pocket book as much. Your visitors will buy them without thinking if they can afford it.
So how do you create a short report?
1. Select a topic you are interested in
It’s easier to write on a topic you know a lot about than one where you need to do a lot of research. It will take less time and the content will come easier.
2. Create a list of 7 tips
Ideas for the tips may include, 7 top reasons, 7 benefits, 7 ways…you get the idea. Write a paragraph of 5 to 10 lines on each tip to create your 7 tips article. You now have created your first article. Use the content of this article for the introduction to your short report.
3. Expand each tip into an article
Write as much as you can on each tip. If you get stuck for content visit article directories, forums and blogs that contain content on the same subject. This will stimulate your create juices to flow. Once you’ve completed your 7 articles you’ll have 8 articles altogether (including the 7 tips one you wrote in the beginning).
4. String the articles together
Create an attractive title for your short report. Use the first article as your introduction followed by the main body of your content. This where you simply string all your 7 tips articles together. Remember to include your bio and a link to your web site at the end of your report.
Use Microsoft Word or Open Office Software to create your report. Open Office is a free download at It allows you to quickly convert your document to a PDF file which can be read on any computer with any type of browser.
After you’ve completed your first report it becomes easier to create many others. Use them as free bonuses to promote other products or sell them for a small fee.
This can be the beginning of building your own information empire.
Also read Make Money With Your Blog – Write an Ebook or Report
Pick up a copy of Write That Report
to learn a quick-and-easy method for creating high quality reports in no time and how to build an army of affiliates to sell it for you.
Great info here…You might wish to have a summary articles that links to the free report…This way, it will allow more people to download…