Ebook Covers – How to Create an Attractive Ecover

If you write a professional sales letter to sell your ebook but have an unattractive ebook cover you’ll lose the credibility of your sales letter. Your ecover should not be a template or just a simple image but be unique, colorful and integrate well with your content.

Ways to design your ebook cover

1. Hire a professional ecover designer

If you are not familiar with graphic editing tools this would be the way to go. It will save you hours of time trying to figure out how to do it yourself. You have the reassurance that your design will be professionally done.

Here’s a professional ecover designer that is reasonably priced and used by several internet marketing gurus.

2. Ecover software

This may be a good option if you plan on selling many ebooks. You purchase the software once then you can use it as many times as you like. To find the software, enter “ecover software” in Google or use http://www.webgraphicscreator.com

The downside of this option is it that your ebook cover may look like others created with the same software as they tend to rely on templates.

3. Do-it-yourself

If you have graphics software such as photoshop or fireworks and are familar with the tools, try creating it yourself. You can apply your creative talents, and produce many different designs. If you get good at it you may even offer it as a service to your customers.

Fireworks Tutorials

Photoshop Tutorial

Where to place your ebook cover

Your ecover image will be the first thing noticed on your page (unless you have a prominient header graphic) because it stands out from your web copy. Since everyone reads from left to right, place it on the left side with your headline text beside it.


Make your ebook cover graphic link to your order page. Sometimes visitors will click this immediately to skip the sales letter because they have already decided to purchase your ebook.

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Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Site Design, Web Hosting, SEO


  1. I learned something new, now to buy photoshop cs3 – found it for $299 (my reply url).

  2. Wonderful ! very good info. keep it up.

  3. Very good post!…

    Keep up the great work! 😉

    Ovi Dogar

  4. Hi, Just found your blog surfing on the internet! I am too much interested in the information like you are providing. Why you do not write a new ebook and publish it by collecting more information on this topic. NO! Do not take me wrong! I am not a publisher. Ha! Ha! Ha! You have written in a detailed manner that’s why I am asking you about the ebooks. Have you ever thought of any type of ebook and in its business. It is a really hardwork to create a blog like yours and to maintain it. But you have done really a great job. Congrates! I have few questions. Do you think that blogs are better than ebooks for providing information and making money. I Just take the ebooks as products. I have never tried to write any ebook and to do any sort of business. If I say something about my website here, then you will consider this comment as a spam and NO One like that. But would like to say, that while selling FREE EBOOKS I have made such a huge amount, just in few days, that you will be amazed! If you visit my website (by clicking on my name in this comment) then you are bound to be surprised. I am sure this is a new technique of selling, I have found over the net. But lets talk about writing ebooks and providing unique information to the internet community, have you ever tried writing anything and publishing it? Do you also sell ebooks? What is your experience? I am interested in knowing about it or your experiments? Waiting for reply – Thanks, Regards

  5. Hi Giving out free reports,

    Thanks for your comment.

    I’ve written 2 ebooks…see them at:

    Writing for my blog is hard work however the more you do it the easier it gets because you naturally are on the look out for new ideas. Soon you get into a routine…I just start writing (even when my mind is blank) then ideas begin to flow.

    I make a few dollars/day from adsense ads on my blog but am looking for and thinking of alternative ways to monetize it.

  6. Great source to lean about ebook cover.
    i was wondering about designing ebook cover. 🙂

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  8. I want to launch couple of product about weight loss and fitness guide. But I don’t know how to create the graphic like ebook cover or the website design. how to do that ?

  9. Ross,

    If you’re still at a loss what to do after reading the suggestions outlined above, send me an email and I’ll point you in the right direction.

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