Private vs Unlisted YouTube Videos – Are They The Same & How Do You Find Them?

Is there a difference between private and unlisted videos, or are they the same?

In this video, you’ll learn how to find private, unlisted or public videos on your YouTube channel, the different ways they can be shared or viewed, and why you should upload a new video as unlisted before it gets published. You’ll also learn about the security update for all the unlisted videos and what to do about it.

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Private versus unlisted videos. What’s the difference?
Private videos can only be seen by you and whomever you choose. You can share private videos with up to 50 email addresses, but they must have a Google account in order to receive the video. Select the private option in the visibility box of the video you wish to make private, then click Share privately. Add the email addresses of the invitees you want to share your video with.

Keep in mind that invitees must sign in to the Google account to view the private video. The good thing about private videos is that they don’t show up in the search results, but YouTube systems can still review them for Ad-Suitability and Copyright claims. Keep in mind that comments are not available on private videos, so you’d have to set the private video to unlisted to receive the comments.

What Are Unlisted Videos?
Unlisted videos are different from private videos because you can share the link publicly and they don’t have to have a Google account. Anyone you share the link with can also reshare the video. Unlisted videos just like private videos won’t appear in the YouTube search results unless someone shares the unlisted video in a public playlist. Unlisted videos also won’t appear in the videos tab on your channel homepage.

Security update for older unlisted videos
Unlisted videos that were uploaded to your channel before January 1st, 2017 will be changed to private videos starting July 23rd, 2021. Unlisted videos uploaded after January 1st, 2017 won’t be affected. If you want to opt-out of this change and keep your current unlisted video in its unlisted state, fill out this form.

This will enable anyone that you’ve shared the link with to continue seeing the video. If you don’t do anything with the unlisted video, YouTube will switch it to private. Keep in mind that private videos are only seen by you and the viewers that you choose.

What are public videos and do they appear?
Public videos can be seen by anyone after you’ve uploaded them to your channel and made them public. They’ll also appear in the YouTube search results, Google search results, suggested videos, and anywhere on YouTube. They’ll also appear on YouTube channel homepage. Keep in mind you can always change the visibility setting from public to unlisted or private.

Here’s a chart (see video above) showing where private, unlisted, and public videos appear. Private videos have the most restrictions, whereas public videos have the least restrictions.

Here’s how to find your private or unlisted videos in YouTube Studio
– Click on the Content tab in YouTube Studio to see your list of videos.
– Click Filter.
– Click Visibility.
– Select Private if you want to see all the private videos on your channel.
– Select Unlisted if you want to see all the unlisted videos on your channel.

Now, I can see the visibility listing, monetization, the restrictions, the date that it was uploaded, and how many views that video received, and the date. You can sort by upload date.

Why should you upload a new video as unlisted before it gets published?
YouTube recommends selecting setting your video to unlisted and wait a couple of hours to see if any monetization or visibility issues are found, then publish the video.

How to correctly upload your YouTube video.
– Click Create.
– Click Upload Videos.
– Select your video or drag and drop the file to upload it. I’m going to select this one.
– At the top of the page, it shows you the steps to upload your video. You’ve got details, monetization, video elements, checks, and visibility.
– Under details, fill out your title, description, tags, et cetera.
– Go to Monetization. Click Done. Click Ad-Suitability. Go through the list. Check none of the above. Click Submit Rating.
– On the Video Elements. add your subtitles and screening cards.
– Under Checks, you’ll see if there’s any copyright issues or Ad-Suitability issues.
– Click Visibility.
– Select Unlisted before you make the video public or schedule it to go public at a later time. This will help you to see if YouTube found any monetization or visibility issues with your video.
– After you’ve completed the uploading process, click Save.
– Your unlisted video will appear at the top of your videos list.
– When you’re ready to publish your video, just change the visibility setting from unlisted to public.
– Then click Publish.

If you want to know the secrets of how I got over 100,000 views on a YouTube video, watch this video. It’s currently attracting over 1,600 views every 48 hours which helps grow my channel.

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