Google Plus Your World and How It Affects You

  • Did you know that Google shows you results based on the location of your computer?
  • Did you know that if you’re logged into Google it will show you Google Plus results?
  • Did you know that the “Search Plus Your World” displays privately shared content together with public content?

Google Plus Your World

Google’s search results have changed dramatically from several years ago. The search results you see may be different that what your client sees because they are using a computer with a different IP address. For instance a search on your main keyword may display your website on the first page of Google however if viewed on a computer at another location it may not appear at all.

With “Google Plus Your World” private and public search results are all mixed together if you are logged into your Google account. For instance when searching on a specific keyword you’re given the option of clicking an the icon on the upper right side of the page to show personalized or public results. This may make it easier for a person to receive content shared from friends and family along with public content but may cause privacy concerns.

Here’s a video on showing the features of “Search Plus Your World”

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