Web Site Content Planning – Types of Sites

Read Part 1 of Web Content Planning – Purpose

Part 2.

2. Decide on the type of web site

Informational web site

This could be a static site (not database driven) in which you occasionally update the site. The site will be kept rather small i.e.
under 100 pages so it is easy to maintain.

Content management web site

If you are planning a large site of 100s or 1000s of pages consider building a content management site.

There are 2 types of content management sites

A) Benefits of a Blog

* Rapidly add content from any computer which has internet access.
* Allow feedback comments from visitors
* Attracts search engine traffic by incorporating RSS feeds
* Easy to maintain

B) Mambo or Web Site Baker

These are 2 popular content management systems are free to install. They offer many more features than a blog but are
focused on providing lots of content and not usually associated with allowing visitor comments although this can be added on.

Part 3 will discuss what to include in your web site content.

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