One of the main sources of marketing my web sites I’ve used throughout the years is writing articles, then submitting them to an article directory, ezine publishers, blogs, plus including them on my own web site. One of the main article directory sites is which in my opinion has become the gold standard for all other article directories. This is because they are constantly trying to improve the standards for publishers to submit their articles.
Recently new membership rules were suggested as a way to improve the quality and quantity of articles submitted.
Here are the new membership levels proposed for
Membership Level Number of Articles Represents
Bronze First 10 Newbie Members
Silver 25 (or more) Probation
Gold Up To 100 Quality Without Volume
Platinum Unlimited Volume With Less Quality
Diamond 100 to Unlimited Quality With Volume
Gold level acknowledges high quality articles from authors who have no desire to be high volume, but if they were in Gold status after Silver (previously called Basic), they could move to Diamond after 100 articles are accepted.
Here’s what the owner of Knight had to say:
“Diamond level represents the utopian ideal EzineArticles expert author to us. Someone who only writes original works, visually presents them in an easy to read format (bullets, numbered lists, and only a tint of bold or italics styles), doesn’t generate user complaints, submits consistently over time, and is easily a genuine certified expert in the topics he or she writes about as evidenced by their website URL’s and bio.”
My thoughts:
Good idea Chris, however the levels definitely require some deeper thought as to how they should be implemented. i.e.
1. Platinum level will approve high volume with less quality than Gold. This seems back to front.
2. How will you determine what is a quality article? i.e. number of visits, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, layout, length, no of points made etc.
3. Here’s an idea – have your editors review all the articles they have written (not including their own) and sort them according to the new membership levels, then allow us to see how they did it and be able to receive feedback.
4. Can you outline the benefits (perks) of attaining any of the top levels i.e. more exposure, free copy writing lessons from top copy writers, new Mercedes etc
Thanks for the new membership levels…I’m going for 100 articles.
Read more comments by visiting the URL mentioned above.
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