Interactive Website: Top 7 Benefits

People buy from people they know, like and trust. If you don’t invest in building relationships with your customers they are less likely to do business with you. For example would you hire a contractor recommended by your neighbor or use the phone book to find one? Obviously you would choose your neighbors recommendation because you trust them.

For most websites, people visit the website once or twice then leave. An interactive website enables you to build relationships with your visitors. Instead of only visiting your website once then leaving, you interact with your visitors several times.

Top 7 benefits of an interactive website

1. Build long term relationships

Business people know they need to contact a person several times before they purchase their products or services. It’s easier to sell products to people who have already bought something than finding a new customer. An interactive website enables you to start a conversation with your customer that develops into a relationship.

2. Branding

Every time a visitor interacts with your business online it builds your brand in their minds. For example if they interact with your business on your website, on Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube, in your newsletter and with email, your brand will stand out from your competitors.

3. Become recognized as an expert

Expert status in your niche is gained when people interact with your website, social media applications and read your publications. You become known as the “go to” person in your niche.

4. Build backlinks naturally

If you offer great content and answer peoples’ questions they’ll refer your business to their friends who may then link to your website. Instead of artificially building backlinks you build them naturally by engaging your customers.

5. Increase search engine rankings

One of the most important factors that determine rankings is the number and quality of links you have pointing to your website. An interactive website encourages others to link their website to yours thus increasing your link popularity.

6. Attract web traffic

If your website doesn’t attract traffic your online business will die quickly. It’s the lifeblood of your website. An interactive website attracts and retains traffic because you’re communicating with them. By integrating social bookmarks, Twitter, RSS feeds, YouTube, etc on your website you create multiple methods of interaction and generate traffic from high traffic web properties.

7. Generate more sales

Making a sale is like dating someone. You wouldn’t marry a person that comes up to you and says “marry me.” Dating helps the person get to know, like, trust and eventually love you enough to marry you. You’ll generate more sales by interacting and building a relationship with your visitors.

If you don’t have an interactive website, begin by adding a blog, forum, e-course, or newsletter to it, plus create conversations in your niche using social media applications.

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