If you submit your YouTube RSS Feed to RSS directories you’ll get more backlinks, traffic, views and subscribers.
The 2 Feeds that are most important are your Channel Feed and the Feed for a single video.
1. Here’s how to create the RSS Feed for your YouTube Channel
- Open notepad or any text editor then copy and paste the URL below
- Where it says “youtube-channel-name-here” replace it with your channel user name
- Go to Feedly.com which is an RSS reader then enter that url in the search box
- This makes sure that the url you’ve created is correct
2. Here’s how to create the RSS feed for a single video
- Open notepad again to copy and paste the URL below
- Replace “youtube-channel-name-here” with your youtube channel user name and replace “your-youtube-title-here” with the title of one of your videos
- Here’s a screen shot showing the results of the RSS Feed
http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/Your-Youtube-Channel-Name-Here/uploads?orderby=updated&vq=Your Youtube Title Here
Here’s one of the easiest ways to create your YouTube RSS Channel Feed
- Go to YouTubeRSSFeed.com put in your YouTube Channel user name
- Click go
- The top feed contains images and the bottom one does not
- Test that your Feed URL works by loading it into your browser
- You’ll see all the videos you’ve uploaded to your YouTube Channel
Hot Tip:
Use commandotubetools.com to submit your YouTube RSS Channel Feed to 25 RSS directories. Any new videos that you add to your channel will be included in that RSS Feed.
Posting your Feed to RSS directories helps your content get discovered by Google and other search engines. This results in getting more traffic, views and subscribers.
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“21 Ways To Get YouTube Traffic”
What do I use if there is a space in my youtube channel name? Do I use a -/+/_ or other?
Duane..just copy and paste your channel user name (as is) without a -/+/_
Does this still work? When I add ‘channels username’ as you say, are you talking about the You Tube channels name OR username to login to You Tube…….?? Also
“Replace “youtube-channel-name-here†with your youtube channel user name and replace “your-youtube-title-here†with the title of one of your videos”
Are you saying to add (-) dashes in between username?
Thank you
Yes..use your channel name.
To create your RSS Feed use the URL below..replace Your-Youtube-Channel-Name-Here with Channel name (no dashes)and Your Youtube Title Here with your title.
http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/Your-Youtube-Channel-Name-Here/uploads?orderby=updated&vq=Your Youtube Title Here
or go to YouTubeRSSFeed.com and put in your YouTube Channel user name