Article Marketing – How to Get Maximum Mileage from Your Articles – Part 2

Read points 1-5 “How to Get the Most Mileage from Your Articles

Part 2

6. Reports and E-books

Take 10 articles you have written on a specific topic to create a short report. If you have many articles, compile them into an ebook. The report or ebook can be distributed to ebook directories or offered as a free download for subscribing to your ezine. You can also offer them to web site owners in exchange for a link to their web site. If you wish make money from the content within your ebook or report, include links back to your site, affiliate programs or other products.

7. Video and Audio

Not all people like to read content online. Modifying your content by creating a video or audio will help reach a wider audience.
For example almost everyone is familiar with YouTube Videos. Place the content of your article into a video file then upload
it to YouTube using your best keywords. When users do a search for those keywords your video may appear. You have now created another traffic resource.

8. RSS Feeds and Directories

RSS stands for “really simple syndication”. People use RSS readers or news aggregators to obtain a summary of the articles on your web site or blog. This enables them to quickly discern which ones they wish to read.

Most blogs (ie Word Press) have RSS feeds built in and automatically ping the main RSS directories. If you don’t have an RSS feed for your web site create one manually ( Submitting your RSS feeds to the main RSS directories is another way to increase visitors to your site because you created another method to distribute your content.

Top 55 RSS Submission Sites

9. Press Release

Increase your visibility and search engine rankings by sending out a press release about your web site. Make sure it is newsworthy otherwise it will not be accepted.

Here are two online press release services (free)

10. Guest Writer

If you have already built a good reputation in your niche you may get asked to write an article for an authority web site, blog or local newspaper column. This will help build lots of valuable links and increase visitors and sales from your web site. You can also search for web sites and blogs related to your area of expertise and offer to contribute articles to them as a guest writer.


Don’t just focus on article syndication sites as your sole source of content marketing. You worked hard to produce well written, unique content. If you use these top ten strategies to extend the mileage of your articles, you will be surprised at the large boost of web traffic you receive.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Design, SEO, Hosting

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  1. Good Post. Thanks for the info🙂

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