How to Create Optimized Blog Post Titles Visitors and Search Engines Love

Build a Better Blog

Did you know that the title of your WordPress post is one of the most crucial factors for getting visitors to read your blog post and search engines to rank your content? A boring or unattractive title will only drive visitors away to your competitors’ sites. If you’ve invested a lot of time and money into your blog then every visitor counts so learn how to write your titles correctly.

How to create captivating titles visitors love

You can either do this before or after writing your blog post. I initially create a title before I begin writing the content then edit it after I’ve completed the post. This is because I’ve delved deeper into the content and therefore have a better grasp how the title should be crafted. For example for this post I initially created the title: “How to Create Optimized Titles for Your Blog” the edited it later to: “How to Create Optimized Blog Post Titles Visitors and Search Engines Love.”

Which title do you think would cause you to read the the rest of the content? I would choose the second one because it not only states what content you’ll receive but what results you’ll get i.e. visitors and search engines that love your blog post titles.

This is only one example of how to attract visitors. Some other ideas may include:

  • Asking a question ie Why should you write captivating blog post titles?
  • Make a controversial statement ie Link Building Myths Debunked
  • Create a list ie 7 ways to write great blog post titles
  • Use action verbs ie discover how to write great title for your blog post

How to create optimized titles search engines love

Even if you write a captivating title if no one sees it will be a waste of time. You need to drive traffic to your blog post. One of the best and easiest ways is to simply include your main keyword within the title meta tag and create a well written description for your meta description meta tag. The title description meta tag is what a person first sees listed in the search engines results page after doing a search on your keyword. The description meta tag is what they read about the page under the title in the search engines.

Example 1
If your title is “7 steps on how to build a blog” and your main keyword phrase is “build a blog” place this phrase at the beginning of your title because search engines give more weight to keywords placed at the beginning of the title tag. So your final title could be edited to say: “Build a Blog in 7 steps”

HeadSpace2 SEO Plugin

This WordPress Plugin enables you to write your own title and description meta tags. So if the title of your blog post is “7 steps on how to build a blog” you could leave it as is for your visitors but create a different title just for the search engine spiders. The result….the title above your article remains the same but an optimized title containing your main keyword phrase at the beginning would be presented to the search engines.

Example 2
Here is a blog post titled “How to Choose the Right Niche to Start an Online Business” however if you look at the top blue line of your browser you’ll notice the title meta tag is written “Start an Online Business – How to Choose the Right Niche” because the main keyword phrase is “Start an Online Business.”

If you implement the steps mentioned above you’ll not only attract visitors from the search engines but get them to read your Blog posts.

And now I would like to invite you to download a copy of
31 Days to Build a Better Blog

You’ll be glad you did!

From Herman Drost – Web Design, Hosting, SEO

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