How to Write an Ebook – Organizing Your Content

I’ve found that the more organized you are the faster things get done. You know the saying a cluttered desk means a cluttered mind.” The same applies to the organization of your ebook content..completing it will be faster if you’re organized.

If you write an article a day create a folder with the name of your ebook. Within this main folder create a separate folder for each chapter. When you are ready to put your ebook together you’ll have easy access to all your files.

If you’ve already written all your articles, organize them according to how you want your content to flow. One easy way to accomplish this is to print out all your articles, then spread them out on the floor so so you can see all the titles. Now you can easily organize the articles for each chapter by shuffling them around. You could do this on your computer but its much faster doing it this way because you can view your content at once.

Organizing them in this way enables you to see where the information gaps are, fill them with more content and create smoother transitions between each chapter and topic.

Length of your ebook

Don’t worry about how long your ebook should be. If it gets too long you have the option of creating another ebook which could be used as an upsell. An upsell means you offer another product (often with at a higher price) immediately after the customer has purchased the first product. It’s easier to sell to customers who have already purchased something than sell to new customers. This is because they are hungry for more information.

An ebook doesn’t have be over 100 pages long. You could have one that is 10 or 20 pages long and sell it as a report or offer it as a gift for subscribing to your newsletter.

Software to use

Compose your ebook in Open Office ( or MS Word if it’s on your computer. I use Open Office because it’s a free download, functions almost the same as MS Word and has the added feature of converting your content to a PDF file with one click. PDF is the standard file format for creating ebooks.

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Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Site Design, Web Hosting, Search Engine Optimization

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