Podcasting – How to Promote Your Podcast Part 2

Part 2

5. Create and submit a video

Convert the content of your Podcast into a video. Submit it to YouTube, Google and AOL (places that accept videos). Be sure to include your keywords in the description of your video so it can be picked up by the search engines.

6. Press Releases

Create a press release about your Podcast and submit it these 2 free online services.



7. Tag your blog posts

When you write about the Podcast on your blog, make sure you tag it using the keywords associated with it. This helps generate a lot of traffic. Technorati uses tags to generate search results. For example if you create a podcast about camping, include tag links related to camping in your blog post.

Technocrati offers a good help section on post-tagging at:

8. Leave comments on other podcasts, blogs and forums

Visit other podcasts, blogs and/or forums related to your Podcast and comment on the content. You can include a link back your site with each comment. If you contribute quality content readers will want to visit your web site for more information.
Receiving incoming links from other sites will increase your search engine rankings.

9. Newsletters and Ezines

Use your own newsletter to promote your Podcast. Contact other newsletter or ezine publishers in your niche and offer their subscribers a free Podcast. If the ezine has thousands of subscribers you will receive many visitors that may want to subscribe to your Podcast.

10. RSS Directories

Many online users receive information through RSS readers (e.g., Google Reader). This enables them to quickly find information that interests them. Make sure the title of your feed is attractive (emphasize the benefits) so it pulls in your readers.

Submit your RSS feed to the top RSS directories.


Podcasting In About An Hour – Training Videos

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Site Design, Search Engine Optimization, Hosting

Receive fresh, in-depth articles articles on how to design, optimize and promote your web site by subscribing to his “Marketing Tips” newsletter at: http://www.isitebuild.com/

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