A well written article will attract more visitors than one hastily put together. It will also create a viral effect because good content gets quickly distributed around the Net by people publishing, linking and/or bookmarking it.
Read these 2 articles for the top reasons and ways to rewrite articles:
Top 5 Reasons to Rewrite Your Article
Top 3 Ways to Rewrite Your Article
How not to rewrite articles
Don’t just create a copy of the original article by changing the words or sentences around. It will read the same. For the content to be unique it needs to stand on its own. The original and rewritten content should not be recognized as the same article.
How to rewrite an article
1. Define your purpose
Determine what your article will be used for and how many versions you need. For example publish the original article to your web site, blog or article directory. The purpose of your second (rewritten) article is to use it as a guest article on a high traffic web site such as an online magazine, ezine or blog.
2. Write the original article
Set a time limit and just start writing content so your creative ideas freely flow from your mind. Don’t worry about correcting the spelling or grammar mistakes until you’ve completed the article.
After letting it sit for a few hours or a day review what you’ve written before to make sure it is free of errors and ready for publication.
3. Rewrite the original article
- Create a different title.
- Rewrite each paragraph by using alternative keywords and altering the sentence structure.
- Use the thesaurus to find synonyms for words you used in the first article.
- Redo the resource box by changing the call to action and using different anchor text.
4. Create a fresh article
Sometimes it’s hard to rewrite the same article and not duplicate what you’ve already written. To avoid this write a new article from a different perspective using alternative keywords. They will spark new ideas.
Other ideas may include:
News articles captivate readers by beginning with a story. Do the same for your article but include some points they can act upon.
People love checklists because they’re easy to read. Create a checklist of points from your original article.
Frequently asked questions
Visit forums and blogs to read what questions are being the asked the most in your niche then answer them in your content.
Link your original article to the rewritten one(s) to improve its link popularity and search engine rankings. Don’t link to an article that says the same thing in different words. It will upset your readers. Instead only link to unique articles that compliment each other.
Cut your article writing and rewriting time by 75%
by reading my review of Article Architect.