How to Save Form Data to a Database

Are you looking for an easy way to create forms and either submit the data to an email address, store it in a mySQL database or do both at the same time?

To do this go to phpformgenerator to create the form then select the delivery method ….database, email or file. Check database if you want to store your form records in a mySQL database.

Benefits of storing form data in a database

1. Quickly access and view your stored data
2. Ability to sort, search, filter, modify, add and delete information.
3. No need to know html or have php/mysql programming
4. Easily convert form data to database


*Free form generator
*Web Hosting for your web site and form files
*mySQL database (you will need to install mySQL database from your cpanel)

How to easily create your html form

1. Visit to create a new form
2. Make sure you check the database option for the delivery method
3. Save the zipped file to your computer.
4. Unzip the file. The file will be named “tmp”. Within this folder will be another folder named “persistent” then another within this one named “form67838” Within this folder will be the files:


5. Change the name of the form67838 folder to something else ie “form”
6. Upload this folder to the server that contains your web site files.

My next post will discuss how to create your database

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Maryland WebSite Design