Top 12 Ways To Monetize Your Blog Even If You Haven’t Made One Cent…Yet

how to monetize your blog

  • What are the best places on your blog to monetize?
  • Which methods generate the most profits?
  • How do you implement these methods?

If you’re a professional blogger (or want to be one) you probably spend a lot of time creating new content on a regular basis. Perhaps you’ve made a little money from AdSense Ads however it’s not paying your bills and you certainly can’t quit your day job…yet. How then do you increase the revenue from your blog?

Let’s look at the 12 most effective ways to monetize your blog

1. Generate traffic first

I mentioned this first because you need people visiting your blog so they can view what you have to offer. To achieve this I suggest subscribing to my Free E-course on “21 Highly Effective Ways To Generate Free Traffic To Your Website.

You’ll receive a new traffic method every 2 days by email so you can start attracting visitors to your blog or build on the traffic you’re already receiving.

2. E-course

This is currently one of my most effective methods for generating sales from my blog on a regular basis. I first get visitors’ to fill out an opt-in form by offering them a free ebook. I follow-up with them by sending out a series of emails automatically via my autoresponder. I then promote my own products and several affiliate programs within the emails I send which generates profits. Once you set this up the system runs on autopilot.

To learn how to build your list check out my autoresponder marketing system

3. Affiliate programs

The beauty of this method is that you don’t need to create the product or promotional materials ie banners, emails, affiliate links, etc. All you have to do is sign up for the affiliate program then embed the link and/or banner within your posts. When someone purchases the product from your link you receive a commission.

One of the best places to find affiliate products to promote is Offervault. You can search by categories (apparel, music, etc), payout (amount of commission you receive), type (lead, sale) and company (network). Other places to find affiliate products you can market include: Amazon, Clickbank, Commission Junction, Sharesale.

If you can’t find an affiliate company for a product type “product+affiliate program” (without quotes) into Google.

4. Adsense Ads

This is an affiliate program from Google which enables you to earn income from ads placed within your content. The great benefit of this program is that once you set it up you can forget about it. You simply sign up for a Google Adsense account then copy and paste the code they give you into your website or blog.

The best locations for displaying ads on your blog are:

  • top of your posts
  • within your content
  • in the sidebar(s)
  • bottom of your posts

You can set up channels within your Adsense account to monitor the effectiveness of your ads (which ones are generating the most revenue).

5. Sell your own products

Even though this may seem like a daunting task at first it’s relatively easy to do and the benefits outweigh the worries. Some of the benefits include:

  • Keeping 100% of the profits (instead of just earning an affiliate commission)
  • Generate long terms profits (ie one of my ebooks still makes sales after creating it 10 years ago)
  • Generate additional sales from affiliates (people that make a commission by signing up for the affiliate program of your product).

6. Advertising

Business owners rely on new leads to generate sales for their business. If they notice your blog receives a lot of traffic and fits their niche they will be willing to pay for an ad on your website. It could be a banner ad at the top, bottom or side bar or a link in one of your posts.

Usually website owners will send you an email asking what your rates are. If you have no idea what to charge search for blogs that get the same amount of traffic and offer advertising.

7. Sponsored post

This is where someone wants to publish a post on your blog that promotes their own product. Make sure it aligns with the topic of your blog. For example you wouldn’t want someone promoting dog training lessons on a blog that discusses website design.

9. Sell your own services

Online business owners constantly have lots of problems to solve or tasks that need to get done but don’t have the time or knowledge to solve it themselves. Offer your expertise to solve their problems by adding a services page to your blog. It could be a profitable source for generating new leads.

10. Create a resources page

When I visit a blog containing high quality content I often check out their resources page (if they have one) to see what tools they are using in their business. Create a resources page on your own blog that outlines what programs and tools you use on a regular basis help you run your business. Use affiliate links so you earn a commission every time someone signs up through your link.

Here’s a brief collection of resources I use:

Market Samurai: a research tool to find keywords containing a high number of searches with little competition.

Video Traffic Academy: a video course for creating and marketing videos.

Aweber: email list provider and autoresponder for building a list and sending a series of automatic follow-up messages to the list.

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Subscribers Magnet: WordPress Plugin that will triple the number of email subscribers to your blog.

11. Install Subscribers Magnet Plugin

This is a highly effective plugin for tripling the number of email subscribers to your blog. It enables you to quickly and easily add beautiful opt-in forms anywhere on your blog. It monitors how many new subscribers you’re getting every day and which opt-in form they are coming from (ie top, sidebar, bottom, within your content).

GET the FREE TRIAL of Subscriber’s Magnet NOW for only $1.00

12. Social media Icons

If visitors find your content valuable they will want to share it with their friends on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+. This helps bring more visitors to your blog which results in more people joining your list and/or purchasing your products.

Make it easier for them to share your content by including these icons at the bottom of every post. An easy way to add these icons (if you have a WordPress Blog) is to install the Shareholic Plugin.

If you know other methods that have proven to be effective for monetizing your blog please share them in the comment box below.