Autoresponder vs Free Report – Pros and Cons

The two most popular methods of getting potential clients to sign up to your landing page is offering a free report or a series of follow-up email messages or e-course using an autoresponder. A free report appeals to people that want their information immediately whereas an autoresponder appeals to those who want to receive a portion of it each day over several days.

Pros and Cons of using an autoresponder vs Free Report

Free report

Instant download
Read immediately
Create immediate sales
Include affiliate links
Rebrand for resale rights
Create viral effect as free giveaway
Use as a bonus for selling a product
Use content for autoresponders or blog posts
No cost

Doesn’t “drip feed” information to prospects
Doesn’t build long term relationships
Takes time to create report
Formatting required to make it look good


Builds long lasting relationships
“Drip feed” information to prospects
Control when to send information (ie daily, weekly, monthly)
Control how long to send messages (ie 7 days, 12 months)
Create an e-course
Sell products
Create multiple autoresponders for different products
Fantastic automatic follow-up system
Place business on auto-pilot
Create automated follow-up messages after prospect has bought your product

Prospect must wait to receive autoresponder messages
Takes time to create a series of email messages
Pay monthly fee for autoresponder service
Not sure how to write effective follow-up messages

As you can see above the pros and cons of a free report vs an autoresponder vary greatly. The best way to decide which one to use is to ask what is the purpose and goal of your content. If you wish to build a long term relationship with your prospect an autoresponder series will serve you best. Your follow-up messages maintain contact with your prospect reminding them about your product every few days. As long as the content solves their most pressing problem they will look forward to the next tip and prepare them to buy your product.

Compare this to your prospect immediately downloading your free report. After they’ve finished reading it they may still not be ready to purchase your product. It usually requires at least 7 follow-up messages before a prospect is ready to buy.

An alternative strategy is to offer both…a free report and an autoresponder series. When your prospect first signs up to the landing page give them the free report. The next day or 2 days later send them a follow-up message. Continue to follow-up on them by sending new content every 2 days. Introduce your product in the follow-up messages.

The autoresponder content can be the same as what’s in your free report or offer entirely new content…it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your market.

Using a combination of a free report plus an autoresponder takes care of those people who want instant satisfaction plus those who prefer information fed to them over time.

And now I would like you to instantly claim your FREE 28 Page Report:

Mining Your Opt-In List: “3 Ways To Make More Money From Any List”

From Herman Drost – Web Design, Hosting, SEO

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