SEO Copywriting – How Google’s Algorithim Updates Changed SEO Copywriting Forever

copywriting course
Ever since I’ve been online (as far back as 1997) I was taught to insert keywords whereever possible in your content. This included placing keyword phrases one or more times in titles, subtitles, file names, tags, links, etc. This was the common way of thinking for a decade or longer. As a result your content received high rankings rather quickly.

Why the old method of SEO copywriting no longer works
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Online Copywriting Course Review

copywriting course

  • Is your website getting lots of traffic but not generating sales?
  • Do you want to convert more visitors into paying customers?
  • Do you want to improve your web copy but can’t afford a copywriter?

One of the biggest problems website owners make is that they primarily focus on driving traffic to their websites thinking that the more traffic they receive the more sales they will make. This is like throwing mud against the wall hoping it will stick. It reminds me of those email marketers that send millions of spam emails knowing they’ll make a few sales using this method.

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned from marketing websites since the year 2000, is that it takes far more effort to build traffic to your website than creating a web page designed to effectively convert the visitors you already have. Sending people to a page that doesn’t convert well wastes a lot of time and effort.

Once you have a page that converts better, your sales will automatically begin to increase. Instead of spending money on a professional copywriter (they can be very expensive) learn to do it yourself by investing in a Step-By-Step Online Copywriting Course.

My Review of Step-By-Step Online Copywriting Course

What’s included inside the members area?
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Killer Headlines For Writing Blog Posts: 15 Elements For Creating Compelling, Shareable Blog Post Headlines

Unless you write killer headlines for your blog posts your chances of getting visitors to read the rest of your content drastically declines. This is why you should spend time crafting a good headline before publishing it because you want as many people as possible reading your post. Many blog post titles fail to attract readers because they don’t grab the reader’s attention.

Here are 8 elements for creating killer blog post headlines:
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21 Ways To Promote Your Blog Post That You Probably Wish You Knew (Step-by-Step Guide)

21 ways to promote your blog post

Most blog owners make the mistake of constantly creating new blog posts but do little or no promotion afterwards then wander why they didn’t receive any traffic. After staying on this treadmill for months or even years they become discouraged because they’re not generating sales from all their hard work.

You should invest the same amount of time promoting your blog post as writing it otherwise no one will benefit from the great value you are offering.

Wouldn’t you like to get hundreds or thousands
of people reading every post you create?

Here are the 21 ways to promote your blog post:
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5 Things All Good Copy Must Have

Have you ever visited a website or read an article online that didn’t make sense? If you surf the web you’ll find hundreds of sites that have written lousy web copy and therefore don’t convert visitors into buyers. If you’re copy is bad throwing more traffic at it is not going to improve your conversion rates. Good copy can transform the performance of your website.

5 Things All Good Copy Must Have

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Web Copywriting Checklist: 16 tips for writing effective website copy

web copywriting

Most website owners focus on getting traffic to their sites to generate sales, leads or subscribers. They figure the more traffic you receive the more sales you will make. This is only partially true because you still need to convert the traffic into buyers. Focusing your efforts only on getting traffic is like throwing mud at a wall. Some of it will stick. Your web copy must be able to convert visitors into buyers.

16 Tips for writing effective website copy

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