Getting Links From .Edu Web Sites

Getting links from high traffic web sites is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your web site. Some of the most trafficked sites on the Net include .edu and .gov sites because they contain lots of content focused on a particular subject or issue and they often rank at the top of the search engine results.

The problem is that it’s not easy to get links from these sites.

How to get links from .edu web sites?

1. Fill a void

Read the content contained within the .edu site and see if you can add to it or offer something new..perhaps from another viewpoint.

For example I once wrote an article on web design that was picked up by several educational sites looking for a concise tutorial.

2. Create quality content

Create a series of articles that have been carefully written and researched and offer them to the owner of the .edu web site. If the content is good they might link to the articles on your web site or have them added to their own site with your link at the end of the article.

3. Analyze competing web sites

Analyze the .edu links of competing web sites to see what they are linking to. This may be an indication that you could contact these particular .edu sites and offer them good content they can link to. This will save you a lot of time looking through 100s of other .edu sites.

4. Contact student web sites or blogs linked to an .edu web site

There may be students that have active blogs which link to the main .edu site. If you are an authority in your field they may be interested in having you write a post or article for their blog.


By getting incoming links from .edu sites you can boost your search engine rankings because they often have 1000s of incoming links from numerous resources.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Development, SEO, Hosting

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