Google AdWords – How to Market Affiliate Products

The beauty of marketing affiliate products is that you don’t have to create your own product or web site and the commissions are automatically credited to you by clickbank or another affiliate network. All you need to do is drive traffic to your affiliate web site with Google AdWords.

10 steps for marketing affiliate products with Google AdWords:

1. Do keyword research

Use the Google AdWords tool to research keywords related to the topic you want to promote. Ideally find keywords with a high number of searches but have few ads listed in the right hand column of the search engine results’ pages. If there are a lot of ads you’ll have a high cost per click.

2. Select a product

Once you’ve selected your keywords go to clickbank or commission junction (the 2 leading affiliate networks) to find a product that matches your keyword. If you can’t find a product there, Google “keyword+affiliate program” to find alternative affiliate networks.

3. Create a winning ad

You only have 4 short lines to get the visitor to take action by clicking on the link to your sales page. Try to include the main keyword in the first line (it gets bolded by Google) so it stands out in your ad. The second line should include the main benefit of your product. The 3rd line is where you want the visitor to take action. Use action words such as “instant download”, “money back guarantee” or even mention the price. Use the 4th line for the display url. It must be exactly the same as the product URL but the link will contain your product affiliate ID.

4. Create a second ad

The purpose of creating the second ad is to do split testing. Google will display two ads evenly to your visitors. The ad that receives the most clicks will be your winning ad. By continually writing a better ad than the current one you’ll improve your click through rate and conversions (sales).

When setting up your campaign make sure you check the box “rotate ads evenly” so your ads are equally displayed.

5. Target geographic regions

Enter your main keyword in Google Trends to see which countries to target when creating your campaign. It will show you the countries where the most searches occur for that keyword.

Google rewards you for relevancy.

Use notepad to quickly copy and paste your keywords, ads, display URL, affiliate URL, and geographic regions. This allows you to quickly transfer the information to your AdWords account.

6. Set a daily budget

Start with a relatively small daily budget (ie $5.00/day) so you collect data over an extended period and don’t spend everything in one day.

7. Set maximum cost per click(CPC)

This is how much you want to spend for each click. If you want to be in the first ad position the CPC will be higher than positions 2-8. Unless you want to dominate the first ad position aim for positions 3-4. You will pay less and avoid a lot of the tire kickers.

8. Track your keywords

Without tracking software you won’t know which keywords produced the sales. Use Adtrackz to see which keywords are generating the most sales.

9. Tweak your campaign

The key to higher conversions is to monitor your ads and keywords. Create a new ad to outperform the current one and eliminate or pause keywords that are not receiving many clicks.

10. Duplicate successful campaigns

Once you’ve found the right combination of keywords, ads, and landing pages that convert, try to duplicate it for future affiliate products. Several profitable campaigns will generate a nice ongoing income.

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