Responsive Web Design: What Is It and What Are Its Benefits?

StudioPress Theme of the Month

No longer are people just accessing websites from desktop computers. With the explosion of smartphones and tablets people are now surfing the web from a multitude of different devices. They want to have access to information from anywhere at anytime. This means website owners must create a mobile version of their current desktop website if they wish to appeal to a wide audience. If not they’re missing out on sales and or subscribers.

What is Responsive Web design?

Often referred to as RWD, it’s where your website layout adapts to the viewing environment whether it is a desktop computer, tablet or mobile phone. For example the Boston Globe is a good example of a responsive website that can be displayed on multiple devices.

Here is an overview of Google’s recommendations

1. Google recommends webmasters follow the industry best practice of using responsive Web design, namely serving the same HTML for all devices and using only CSS media queries to decide the rendering on each device.

2. If responsive design is not the best option to serve your users, Google supports serving your content using different HTML. The different HTML can be on the same URL (a setup called dynamic serving) or on different URLs, and Googlebot can handle both setups appropriately if you follow our setup recommendations.

Top 7 benefits of responsive web design

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