Wordtracker Review – NEW Free Keywords Research Tool

WordTracker Screen Shot

WordTracker Screen Shot

  • Do you want to find profitable keywords from multiple search engines?
  • Are you making the mistake of using the Google Keyword Planner Tool?
  • How accurate is the Wordtracker Free Keywords Tool?

Most online marketers (including myself) used the Google AdWords Keyword Tool for many years which has been replaced by the Keyword Planner Tool. The big problem with using this tool is that it’s AdWords-based..in other words it doesn’t provide an accurate analysis of keywords you can use to attract traffic to your website.

Think of this scenario…you spend an hour or two researching potential keywords using Google’s keyword planner tool. After selecting several keywords to target you spend hours writing content based on the keywords you selected. You then spend more hours promoting the content by sharing it on social media sites and other web properties to build backlinks. You check your rankings every few days to see if your content ranks high enough on the search engines so you’ll receive a continuous stream of traffic. After waiting several weeks or months you notice your content still hasn’t attained high rankings so you conclude this strategy is a waste of your precious time.

Why you shouldn’t use Google’s Keyword Planner Tool

  • The Google Keyword Planner tool is Google-centric..meaning it’s geared towards people primarily doing Pay Per Click Campaigns using Google AdWords.
  • “The tool caters in no way towards those marketers engaged in organic SEO. In fact, the keywords returned aren’t that helpful to someone who’s starting out with a new site that they’re trying to rank organically for.”
    Mike Mindel – CEO Wordtracker

  • It can’t differentiate between phrase, broad and exact match (so you’re not able to get niche size data), local monthly searches and global monthly searches. It’s replaced by the “average monthly searches” column.

    Read more about this…

  • The search results may be better for Google & Adwords but is not as useful for people who rely mostly on organic SEO for their businesses.

To get a more accurate analysis for any keyword consider using the
Free WordTracker Tool.

Top 7 Benefits of Using WordTracker for Keyword Research

1. Doesn’t sell advertising or own a search engine (unlike Google).

Wordtracker analyzes keywords from multiple search engines and is not in the business of selling advertising therefore it’s results are more accurate than Google’s keyword planner tool.

2. Discover profitable keywords

If you find a profitable keyword from your research, you’ll generate more traffic, increase conversions and make more sales. If you discover hundreds of profitable keywords your earnings will multiply.

3. Save time

Because WordTracker is a web-based tool you don’t have to waste time loading software on your computer. You can access it from anywhere at anytime.

4. Check keyword competition on multiple engines,
directories and news sites.

The full version of Wordtracker allows you to quickly carry out searches on Google, Google News, Yahoo, MSN and other important targets so you know how much competition you’re facing.

5. Discover untapped niche markets

The key to building a successful business online is to find a niche with little competition. This makes it easier to dominate that niche and generate sales quickly. Wordtracker enables you to discover new online markets that you can tap into.

6. Generate a list of 100 keywords

The Free WordTracker Tool generates a list of one hundred keywords from your seed keyword. You can expand your research by selecting one of those hundred keywords and running the tool again. It will generate another 100 keywords. You can then export your list as a .csv file.

The paid version of WordTracker generates 1000s of keywords from multiple sources.

7. Market keyword research services

Once you’ve gained multiple first page rankings by using this keyword research tool you can market your services by offering to research profitable keywords for other businesses. When they ask you how effective your research will be just show them examples of sites which have achieved first page rankings in the search engines.

Limitations of the Free WordTracker Tool

  • Users must sign-up for an account if they wish to use this tool for keyword research
  • Account users must log in every time they conduct research keywords
  • Only generates 100 related keywords for your seed keyword
  • You need to repeat the process (re-enter a seed keyword) if you want to find long tail keywords for a related keyword

Purchase the Full Version of WordTracker if you need more extensive research (ie find 1000s of profitable keywords plus analyze the competition).

How to Use WordTracker for Keyword Research

1. Sign up for a free WordTracker Account
Here’s an image of the login screen…


WordTracker Login Screen

2. Enter your email and password

After logging in this page will be displayed:

3. Enter your seed keyword

This is the main keyword you want to find related keywords for.


  • REGIONS – select US, UK or Global from the drop down box.
  • MATCH – keywords in any order (ie a search for “tennis shoes” will match “all tennis shoes”, “shoes for tennis” and “tennis shoes my birthday”).
    >>Exact keyword inside a search term (ie A search for “tennis shoes” will match “all tennis shoes” and “tennis shoes for my birthday” but not “shoes for tennis”).
    >>Exact keyword only (ie A search for “tennis shoes” will only match “tennis shoes”).

Plurals – includes searches for plural forms of your keyword
Adult Keywords – includes adult forms of your keyword

Analysis of Keyword Results

Under this heading 100 related keywords will be displayed (if you use the full version you’ll get 1000s of related keywords) fom your seed keyword. If you wish to drill deeper for a related keyword simply enter it in the search box.

This is the number of times your keyword has been searched for in WordTracker’s partner search engines in the last 30 days.


If I enter the seed keyword “wedding” I get 138,385 related keywords. If I enter “wedding dresses” (one of the related keywords), I get another 100 keywords related to “wedding dresses”.

This instantly measures the level of serious competition for over 320 million keywords in Wordtracker’s database. This figure is based on the number of pages that have been directly optimized for each keyword.

The key to finding profitable keywords is to look for keywords that have a high search volume and low competition. The higher this number, the more competition exists.

IAAT(In Anchor And Title)

IAAT tells you how many pages your keyword appears in both the title tag and anchor text (hyperlinked text) of a backlink. These two metrics are what search engines use to determine which sites should appear at the top of the search engine results pages.

KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index)

This compares the number of times a keyword has been searched for with competition (the number of pages that contain the exact keyword phrase within at least one of its incoming links, known as ‘All in Anchor’).

The KEI figure increases when the keyword’s popularity increases and decreases when there is more competition for a keyword.

Use KEI to hone in on keywords with high traffic and low competition. These are the moneymaking niches that will help your business to thrive.

Click Here For More Info On What The Metrics Mean

Download your results

You can download the results of your keyword research into a .csv file. This makes it easy to keep track of previous searches and compare them with future ones. You can also email the results to your clients if you’re researching keywords for them.

My recommendation

If you’re doing organic SEO for your own business or for a client don’t use Google’s planner tool because it is PPC-centric. You’ll be wasting your time and money by with an inaccurate analysis. Instead use the new free Wordtracker Tool to get a more accurate analysis of potential keywords that will generate sales for your business.

Start Using The WordTracker Free Keywords Tool NOW!

To find profitable keywords visit:

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