Advanced Link Building Strategies – Get Links from High Traffic Web Sites

Link building is crucial to attaining high search engine rankings, so I thought I’d mention some methods which are beyond the usual ones I’ve discussed in previous articles ie link exchanges, articles, forums, blogs, e-books, press releases.

Here are my 7 advanced link building strategies:

1. High traffic web sites

These web sites usually have been on the Net for several years and have therefore built a strong reputation online. They may have lots of links from other high traffic or popular web sites. You can often find out how old a web site is by either looking
at the copyright notice at the bottom of its web pages or doing a whois search on the domain name. The whois information will tell you what date the domain was registered.

How to find a high traffic web site

Check search engine rankings

a) Enter the keyword or keyword phrase in the main search engines you wish to get high rankings for.
The top web sites will be displayed in the first page of results in Google, MSN, and Yahoo.

b) If there’s a web site that has high rankings for all three major search engines, use this one as your starting point.

c) Create an excel spreadsheet with 3 columns. The first column contains the top ten web sites for main search engines.
The next three columns display its ranking number in Google, MSN and Yahoo. ie 9/1.3m 9 out of 1.3 million web sites)
The fourth column displays the web sites’ Alexa ranking (

Now you clearly identify the web sites that attract the most traffic.

How to get a link from a high traffic web site

a) Exchange links

If you think your web site has great value send an email to the owner outlining the benefits of linking to you ie complimentary services, great content. Be sure to include a link to his web site on your web site first.

b) Write an article

If you have a new web site, it will be difficult to exchange links because you have little or no traffic. Write an informative article that you can be placed on his site. Include your web site address in the resource box of your article.

c) Free software

If you have a web tool (ie site ranking tool), you can offer this free on your web site in exchange for a link.

d) Free report or ebook

Site owners love to receive free content if it enhances the experience of people visiting. Offer a free report or ebook in exchange for a link back to your web site.


Repeat the advanced link building process above for the top ten web sites (or more) for the main search engines. This will boost your link popularity and subsequently increase rankings and web traffic.

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