Article Writing – Top 16 Grammatical Errors Part 4


Proofread Your Articles

Sometimes you’re in a hurry to write and submit your article only to later find it contained many mistakes. In the meantime your article has been read by thousands of people that may have seen your errors.

If you wish to be seen as an authority on your subject don’t leave your article full of grammatical errors but take time to sift them out.

* The spell checker doesn’t catch all misspellings. One way to catch spelling mistakes is to make your font larger so it is easier to read and spot errors.

* Print your article. People tend to skim text on a screen because it is harder on the eyes. Reading printed text on paper makes it easier to find common errors.

* Read it aloud. When you read sentences out loud some may not make sense. Sentences read silently on your screen look normal but may appear disjointed or could be said in a better way when read aloud.

* Ask someone else. After writing an article it is hard to have an objective view of it. By getting another person to proofread your content they can see it from another viewpoint. You know the saying “two heads are better than one.”

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Site Design, Search Engine Optimization, Hosting

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