If you improve the conversion rates of your sales letter you make more sales. One of the biggest challenges of a web site is to prevent visitors leaving your web site without capturing their information so you can present them with other offers in the future.
What is an exit survey?
The purpose of the exit survey is to ask the visitor why they are leaving your web site. By getting feedback from your visitors, you can adjust your sales page to improve its conversion rate and make more sales.
Here’s an example of a web site with an exit survey:
After a visitor enters their information they are asked if they wish to add an exit survey to their own web site. In this case I provide a link to my main site where they can view my web site design services.
*The beauty of this exit survey script is that it can’t be blocked by pop-up blockers.
*Visitor feedback is stored in a database
*The password protected administration panel provides access to the visitor feedback information submitted by the form on your sales page.
Alternative uses for the exit survey
The text used in the survey can be modified to reflect different offers. For instance you could offer an e-course, a subscription form or take them to another offer related to the first one.
This exit survey provides another opportunity to interact with your visitors before leaving your web page. The visitor feedback will help you to adjust the copy of your sales page and improve its conversion rates.
If you want to install an exit survey just like the one displayed at:
Article Marketing Strategies“…please visit Web Site Designer
Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Design, Web Hosting, SEO
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