Google AdWords Bidding Strategies – 7 steps for high bidding

If you want to get your ad listed at the top of the search engine results page you need to bid above your competitors ads and have deep pockets.

Here are the 7 steps

1. Use the AdWords keyword tool to estimate the CPC (cost per click)

The AdWords keyword tool will show you the average cost per click of a keyword for last month. This calculation is not always correct. You’ll find this out when you set up your campaign.

2. Use the estimate search traffic tool

When adding keywords to your campaign use the “estimate search traffic” tool to view the estimated cost per click. Bid higher than this to secure the top ad position.

3. Check your ad position

After setting up your campaign and running for a few hours check your ad position under your campaign settings. If the average position of your ad is below position 1 you need to adjust the bid on your keywords. Double check your ad position by inserting your main keyword into the Google search box. Sometimes there’s a discrepancy between what Google tells you (remember they’re in it for the money) and where your ad is actually displayed.

4. Edit keyword settings

To raise the bid on your keywords, select the top box at the top of your keyword list, then click on “edit keyword settings.” This will display the default bid box and the search bid boxes for all your keywords. If you want to bid the same amount for all your keywords just edit the default bid box. You can also bid on each keyword separately by editing the “search bid” box.

5. Getting around the double serving rule

Google doesn’t permit multiple ads from the same or an affiliated company or person to appear on the same results page. If you have the same display URL as a competing ad your ad will not be displayed. One of the ways to get around this is to register a new domain then build a landing page to promote the affiliate product. You can then use this unique URL as your display and destination URL and avoid the double serving rule.

6. Monitor your ads

Monitor your ads each day as there may be a competitor that tries to outbid you. You will then have to raise your bids to remain in the top position.

7. Track your keywords

By tracking your keywords you will know which one generated a sale. If you have your own landing page you can use the Google Analytics Tool. If you are promoting an affiliate product use AdTrackz. It’s an adtracking tool that allows you to:

# Set up and track conversions on hundreds of keywords in minutes.
# Track ppc landing pages.
# Protect all of your affiliate links from commission hijackers.
# Track Conversions on your website and on affiliate or partner websites that you don’t control.

Bidding high on your keywords to keep the top ad potion is just one of the key strategies for running a profitable AdWords campaign. Keep in mind you must have a large budget and carefully monitor your ads to do this.


  1. How can one get paid per click into his website for the information presented therin. I hav’nt had recieved a penny yet.

    please oblige with an answer

  2. George..please read the bidding strategy articles on this blog. Keep in mind it takes several or many campaigns(especially if you’re new at this) to find a profitable one. Limit your daily budget so can continually run test campaigns that don’t eat up your budget.

  3. Interesting post, keep the good stuff coming, good content appreciated!

  4. Good blog, helpfull information, keep going

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  1. […] My previous article discussed the 7 strategies for bidding high in Google AdWords […]

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