How to Promote YouTube Videos and Rank Higher

One of the greatest benefits of YouTube is that it’s easier to get videos to rank higher in Google than written content. There is less competition and it takes less time. For instance you could simply create a talking head video where you provide 3 valuable tips on how to get traffic to your website. People like short videos so it would only have to be 3 to 5 minutes long. This takes less time than writing an article.

How to Promote YouTube Videos and Rank Higher

1. Optimization

While uploading your video to YouTube it will ask you to fill in the title and description. Make sure you include the main keywords you want your video to be found for in the title and description tags. Include your main URL at the beginning of the description so it will be visible to your visitors. This will also give you a high quality backlink to your website.

2. Upload to multiple video sharing websites

Even though YouTube is the most popular video sharing website upload your video to some of the other main sites such as Videojug, Metacafe, Vimeo, Yahoo! Video, Revver,, Dailymotion. This will give your video greater exposure by reaching a larger audience.

3. Get backlinks

Google and other search engines base their rankings on the quantity and quality of the links pointing to the URL you want to promote. To get your video to rank higher you need to promote your video URL. If you already own a blog write about the content in your video then embed it in your post. Make sure you include your main keywords in the content so the post will be indexed by the search engines.

4. Guest posts

Search for popular blogs in your niche and offer to write a guest post. Include a link to your YouTube video either at the end of your post or within the content.

5. Article directories

The top article directories (ie Ezinearticles) receive millions of visitors each day. Write an article for your specific niche and include your video URL in the resource box. Submit your article to multiple directories so you get multiple backlinks to your video.

Search engines will only rank the first article they index so if you want more traction from the same article rewrite several of your paragraphs before submitting it to other directories.

6. Social media

Use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to notify your followers about the new video. This gives them an opportunity to share it with their friends as well as benefiting themselves. It will also give you more backlinks and result in higher rankings.

7. Google +

Google has said that Google + affects your search engine rankings so add the icon to your blog to encourage visitors to plus your videos.

The key to getting high rankings for your YouTube videos is to use these methods frequently and consistently. If you create a weekly marketing plan and stick to it you’ll see great results.

If you’ve used other methods to successfully to promote your YouTube videos please share them in the comment box below.

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