YouTube Remarketing is a powerful and cost-effective way to show ads to people who have already interacted with your YouTube videos or YouTube Channel.
- You can then re-engage them with your offers.
- It remind’s people about your product or service
- It builds deeper relationships with them
- It reduces the cost of your video ads
Here are the steps to set up an In-stream Video
Remarketing campaign in Google AdWords
- Log into your Google Adwords account
- Click “shared library”
- Under audiences click “view”
- Now you’ve got to add a remarketing tag to your website
- All you do is add an email address and adwords will send it to your address
- Ok here’s is the email “welcome to remarketing with Google”
- It says “tag your website…place the Google remarketing tag
on all pages of your website.” - So you grab the html code then add it to your website
(before the last body tag) - Now you’re ready to set up your remarketing list
- I’ve already added 2 lists…one for “all visitors” and
one for “viewed an video from a channel” - Now you should see “video remarketing” under shared library on the left
- Click “video remarketing”..then you can create a list
- So just click on “remarketing list”
- Now select one of these options here ie…”viewed any video from a channel”
- Select your channel
- Enter a name for your remarketing list
- Duration can be 30 days or 540..put 540 in there
- Status…open means that new visitors are still being added
to a particular remarketing list - Closed means that no new visitors are added to the remarketing
list so I want to keep it open - Initial list size..include users from last 30 days..start with an empty list..just put in the last 30 days
- Then “create list”
- As you can see here I’ve already got a lists…”viewed video from channel”
- After you’ve created a list you’re ready to set up a campaign ad
- Next we create a new campaign that includes that list
- Just go to campaign and select “video”
- Enter all your settings
- Once you’ve added all your settings you go to click “video targeting”
- Click “remarketing”
- Click the red Remarketing box
- Choose your ad group …in-stream then give your list a name.
- You just choose a list
- Here we’ve got this size 56,000…”viewed an video from a channel”
- Then just move it over to the right (next box)
- Then click “save” and you’re done
That’s it…you’ve just created your first YouTube
Video Remarketing campaign
Here are 3 important things to keep in mind…
- A remarketing list must have at least 100 users within the last 30 days
before you can show your ad to people on the list. - Your remarketing message won’t be shown to people
who are not on the list. - Create a specific video ad that targets the people on your remarketing list.
If you want to learn how to set-up your first Video Remarketing Campaign in Google Adwords, download my Remarketing Cheat Sheet at:
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