Keyword Research Mistakes – Are You Making These Top 3 Mistakes When Searching for Profitable Keywords?

keyword research mistakes

If you don’t research potential keywords correctly you won’t get the desired results you’re looking for. For instance you may spend hours creating a list of keywords using your favorite keyword tool, only to find out later it didn’t generate new traffic or convert into sales.

So what are the top 3 mistakes marketers make while conducting keyword research?

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Top 10 Keyword Research Mistakes To Avoid

keyword research

The beauty of keyword research is that you can easily find keywords or keyword phrases people enter into the search engines by using a keyword research tool such as the Google AdWords Tool, WordTracker or Market Samurai. If a particular keyword receives thousands of searches per month it has the potential to generate lots of traffic to your website if it gains high rankings in the search engines.

The problem is many marketers continue to make obvious mistakes when it comes to keyword research resulting in much frustration and ineffective results. By avoiding the 10 keyword research mistakes below you’ll get faster and more accurate results.

Top 10 Keyword Research Mistakes To Avoid

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