Thumbnail Maker For YouTube (includes split testing)

 Did you know that one billion hours of videos are watched every day on YouTube and 400 hours of videos are uploaded every minute?

70% of YouTube watch time is generated from mobile devices, so how on earth can you make your thumbnails stand out from your competitors?

In the video below, I show you how to quickly and easily create an attractive thumbnail for your videos using Thumbnail Blaster, a thumbnail maker for YouTube.

Click here to get your own copy of Thumbnail Blaster

Let’s jump over the computer so I can give you a demo of Thumbnail Blaster
from within the membership area.

  • I’ve got YouTube accounts that I can link to Thumbnail Blaster.
  • I’ve got the thumbnail creator to create my thumbnails.
  • AI Image Analyzer, which analyzes images so that it can be suitable for my thumbnails.
  • Split test, which means you can split test two different thumbnails.
  • Training videos, which gives you step by step training along the way.

Here’s how to make a YouTube Thumbnail with Thumbnail Blaster

  • Click add YouTube account, and I’ll select an account, choose your account, Thumbnail Blaster wants to access your Google account, click allow to select a YouTube Channel
  • Click thumbnail creator, and you select the video from this channel, from the YouTube link, we’ll start with no video.
  • Let’s start with no video. I can choose from all a variety of templates.
  • Let’s select this video marketing template, click use template, I can move around the text by just dragging and dropping, you can add shapes, you can upload an image, and change the background, and use solid, use gradient, and use patterns, and change the opacity. You can add a shadow, you can add a stroke, you can add layers, duplicate it if I want. You can bring the image forward, you can bring the image to the front, send it backward, send it to the back, flip horizontally, flip vertically, duplicate it, trash it, or lock.
  • I’ll change this to thumbnail maker, click change image. For the purpose of this video, I’m just going to select that image of myself. I might change this image later to find a better image.
  • I can save as a JPG or click save and continue. I can save it as a PNG file, JPG file, save it with a watermark, or publish on YouTube.
  • I’m just going to click publish. I can select the YouTube channel or select the YouTube video. I’m not going to publish on YouTube at this stage. For the purpose of this video, I’m going to select save as PNG. I’m going to call it new thumb, and now it’s saved.

Click here to get your own copy of Thumbnail Blaster

AI Image Analyzer, the artificial intelligence image analyzer will analyze any image to see if it’s suitable for your thumbnail.

  • Click on AI Image Analyzer, I can select the image link or YouTube video or upload local image.
  • Click upload local image, I’m going to select this hunter image
  • Click open
  • Click analyze image.

The software has analyzed the image under adult, medical, spoof, violence, and racy. It’s not adult, unlikely to be marked as medical content, unlikely to be marked as spoof content, very unlikely to be marked as violent content, and unlikely to be marked as racy content. You can check any of your images through this artificial intelligence. Recommendation is…your image is optimized for Google and YouTube search. You do not need to make any modifications to the image.

If you have any doubts of using an image for your thumbnail, run it through the AI Image Analyzer. It’s a fantastic tool that comes with the software. Split Testing, this way you can split test two different thumbnails for your video to see which one gets the most traffic. Instead of guessing which thumbnail will get the most traffic, running a split test will give you more definite data.

Split Testing

  • Click split test
  • Click new split test, and then select a YouTube account, YouTube video, or I can select my thumbnails.
  • For the purpose of this video, I’m just going to select the couple of different thumbnails that I’ve already created.
  • I can compare this thumbnail with another thumbnail as an example. It says split test will take around two hours. We will change the thumbnail once per hour and record the number of use each thumbnail gets. At the end, we’ll pick the winning thumbnail, the thumbnail that gets the most views. I can select 12 hours, split test run for one day and two hours, or I can go right to the end, split test run for 10 days.
  • Just click add split test.

If you ever get stuck creating a thumbnail while you’re in the software, the training videos will take you through it step by step.

If I click training videos, I get the full training video, select the YouTube video, loading templates using the editor, saving and publishing, split testing, AI Image Analysis.

Thumbnail Blaster is a great tool if you want to quickly and easily create an attractive thumbnail for your videos, even if you don’t have any design skills.

Click here to get your own copy of Thumbnail Blaster

Top Benefits of Thumbnail Blaster

  • You don’t have to download any software, it only takes a few clicks.
  • You can triple the views of any old videos that need a new thumbnail
  • You can split test two different thumbnails
  • You’ve got hundreds of templates you can modify
  • You can use AI technology to analyze the images for your thumbnails
  • The software integrates with your YouTube channel so you save a ton of time.

If you want to download my 10-point checklist for creating an attractive thumbnail, click here. You’ll discover how to create a clickable thumbnail that stands out from your competitors.

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