Web Page Optimization: Ways to Re-optimize Your Home Page

Web Hosting Mistakes

Most visitors enter you website through your home page. This is because it often contains your most important keywords and other websites link to this page based on your marketing strategies e.g. home page link in your article resource box. Don’t rely on the original optimization of your web page that was done several years ago.

Reasons to Re-optimize Your Home Page

1. Rankings have decreased

Your site has enjoyed great rankings for several years but you’ve now lost your top or first page listings.

2. Decrease in search engine traffic

If you regularly monitor your website statistics you’ve noticed a drop in the number of people visiting your site.

3. Competing sites outrank your site

Everyday new websites are coming online, therefore the number of competing sites are increasing. Your competitors are working hard to achieve top rankings. If you don’t regularly market your site it will lose it’s current rankings.

4. Current keywords are no longer relevant

The keywords you originally used to gain high rankings no longer work. Often people change their search habits by using different keywords.

Ways to Re-optimize Your Home Page to Increase Rankings and Traffic

1. View your website statistics

Look at the keywords generating the most visits. Are they currently included in your home page content and meta tags? If not try to weave them into your web copy by rewriting it. Use keyword research tools to find related keywords that can be added to your web pages. Create extra web pages that target specific keywords found in your web stats. They will provide extra entry points for website visitors.

2. Analyze competitor’s websites

Enter the main keyword phrase you want your website to be ranked for into the Google search box and make a list of the top 10 websites. Analyze their meta tags, heading tags, web copy plus the quantity and quality of their backlnks. If they have 300,000 backlinks and you have 3000 they will outrank your site and it’s not worth the investment of your time to try to beat them. Instead look for less competitive keyword terms that receive lots of searches each month then integrate them into your meta tags and web copy.

3. Find related keywords

Create a list of keywords related to your main keyword. Include misspellings as these often generate lots of traffic also. The Google research tool will help generate related searches. It shows how many searches keywords receive each month. Include these within your web pages to increase web traffic.

4. Include more than one keyword per web page

There is a search engine myth that you should only optimize for just one keyword phrase per page. This assumes one keyword phrase will help the page have a strong focus. It becomes a problem when you try to write copy that makes sense to your visitors. A phrase that’s repeated too many times on the page doesn’t read naturally.

Select 2 or 3 keyword phrases and weave then naturally into your content. This gives the search engines more ways to spider your web page and will boost traffic for that page.

5. Boost your backlinks

Backlinks or incoming links to your website help your web page rankings increase. Link building is a task that must be done regularly to stay ahead of your competitors. Don’t just focus on building links to your home page as this could be seen as spamming. Instead boost the number of backlinks to your internal pages so they can achieve better rankings. Internal pages often contain longtail keywords which are easier to rank for because of less competition.

Related Article
How to Do Keyword Research: 7 Steps for Generating Backlinks, Rankings & Traffic

Need help to re-optimize your web pages? Visit:
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  1. i have a question sir? how to optimize your home page for a sepecific keyword? WHAT TO do and where to start??

  2. Very nice Thanks for your Great job .Glad to found your web site.

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