How To Get Your First 100 YouTube Subscribers For Free My Top 10 Tips

So you want to know how to grow your audience on YouTube..right?

An ideal subscriber is someone who values your content enough to subscribe to your channel. When you’re just starting out it’s very difficult to get your first 100 subscribers. Keep in mind that every YouTuber who has 1000s of subscribers started from 0.

Here are my 10 top tips to get 100 subscribers on YouTube

1. Choose a niche you’re passionate about
Before you even create your first video pick a niche that you love to talk or learn about. For instance if you’re interested in personal drones then create a series of videos on drones.

2. Research where your audience resides online
Visit popular channels in your niche that have 1000s of subscribers. You’ll then have an idea of the kind of content your audience is interested in. Find out where your audience hangs out online and interact with them. This may include facebook groups, google+ communities, forums and other social media properties.

3. Customize the layout of your channel
Your channel should appeal to your viewers and be well organized. This means you need to create beautiful channel art and have a channel trailer that introduces the video content of your channel.

4. Plan out your content ahead of time
Create a video calendar so you know what content you will produce every week. This will help you avoid getting stressed over having no content. Make sure your content is what your audience is interested in.

5. Hook your viewers in the first 5 seconds
If you don’t grab your viewer’s attention in the first few seconds of your video you’ll lose their attention and they’ll go elsewhere. Tell them what to expect at the beginning of your video so they’ll continue watching all the way through.

6. Include a call to action
Use annotations, cards and a subscribe button to encourage people to subscribe to your channel. Also tell people to subscribe in your video, why they should do it and how.

7. Optimize your video
Make sure every video is optimized for the keywords people are searching for on Google and YouTube. Include your keywords in the title, description and tags. This will help people to discover your videos on Google and YouTube for those keyword phrases.

8. Interact with your audience
Make sure you interact with the people who took the time to leave a comment under your video. Try to answer every question and encourage them to ask their own questions. You can answer that question in another video.

9. Be consistent
If you plan on uploading a new video every week, then maintain this schedule to maintain the interest of your viewers. If you miss several weeks your subscribers may think that you’ve disappeared.

10. Track the performance of your videos
Visit YouTube Analytics to see which videos are the most popular and monitor the retention rates of individual videos. If you discover that people are dropping off half way through the video it may mean that your content is not interesting enough for them to continue watching.

Bonus Tip: Don’t Give Up
It’s easy to get discouraged when your channel is new because no one may be subscribing. Instead of giving up keep on improving the quality of your video content. Also continue to upload new videos on a consistent schedule so your viewers will know what to expect.

That’s it!
Now you know the top 10 tips to get 100 subscribers on YouTube for free. The only cost is your investment of time, energy and passion.

If you want more in-depth tutorials on
How To Get Your First 100 YouTube Subscribers For Free
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