Article Video Robot Review – Article To Video Converter

  • Do you want to easily convert plain-text into video
    without being on camera?
  • Do you want to save time and money creating your own videos?
  • Do you want to use software to automatically promote your videos to 50+ video and social sharing sites?

Watch my review on YouTube

Video is one of best ways to promote your products and services because it captures viewers attention with sight and sound. Most people are visually orientated because they grew up watching television, video games or interacting with their computer or mobile device.

One of the biggest problems of video creation is that it takes so much time to actually create the video. For instance you need to set up a home studio, purchase equipment (ie camera, lights, tripod, etc) shoot the video and spend a lot of time editing the video. I often spend several hours every week to create, edit, upload and promote each video.

Now there is an easier solution..Article Video Robot

Top 4 Benefits of Article Video Robot

1. Saves money

You don’t need to purchase expensive equipment (ie camera, lights, backdrop, editing software, etc). The software creates the video for you using images, professional voice overs, animations or even using your own voice.

2. Saves time

You can convert a plain-text article into video within 3 minutes or less with one click. You don’t have purchase video clips or images from all over the net because they are included. The software comes bundled with more than 5,000 Royalty-Free stock photos and hundreds of professional music files.

3. Generate more traffic and leads

Now you have the ability to quickly and easily generate more leads in less time because you won’t have to waste time creating new videos manually. Simply write your article or video script then convert it into video with Article Video Robot.

How does Article Video Robot work?

It’s web-based software that quickly and easily converts any plain-text article or blog post into your own unique video using animation, music, graphics and a complete voice-over in one single click. This means you don’t have to download and install any software. Instead you just log in to your account to begin creating a video.

After your video has been created the software will automatically submit your video to 50 video sharing sites such as YouTube, Daily Motion etc as well as multiple social sites like Facebook, Slideshare, Scribd, etc.

social sharing sites

This helps boost your rankings so more people will see your videos. This will result in gaining more leads and generating more sales from each video you create with the software.

Here are 4 ways you can start using the software immediately:

1. Convert old articles or blog posts into videos

If you’ve submitted 100s of articles to article directories or have 100s of blog posts in your blog archives, re-purpose them by converting them into videos. Create a YouTube channel and upload them to generate more traffic and leads from the content you’ve already created.

2. Create Google Hangouts

Use your videos as content for Google hangouts.

3. Create Webinars

Host your own webinars by utilizing the content you’ve created with your videos. You don’t even have to be live because your videos have been pre-recorded.

4. Share video tips on social media sites

Share your videos on Facebook, Twitter, LinkIn, Google+ to extend the reach of your audience.

Are there any disadvantages using
Article Video Robot Software?

The free version only gives you the ability to create a 30 second video. It doesn’t allow you to brand or automatically distribute it to video and social sharing sites. The pro version is the most powerful because you can create 50 videos then automatically distribute them to both video and social sharing sites.

The software uses computer-generated voices which don’t sound as good as a real voice however you have the option to record your own voice. Alternatively you can hire a professional voice over artist on Fiver for $5.00.

So what is the price?

Get 50% off the current retail price NOW by using this coupon code
AVR2-TXT-VIDEO-14. Click here to learn more

My recommendation

If you want to save time and money creating stunning, professional quality videos to I highly recommend getting the power version of Article Video Robot. You’ll be able to convert any article or blog post you’ve written into video and generate more traffic and leads for your business.

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