Google Plus Business Pages – Top 7 Benefits

google plus badge

When it comes to marketing you’re business online you need to constantly keep up with the latest technologies otherwise you’ll be left behind by your competitors. Google recently introduced Google Plus which enables you to create Google Plus Business Pages. Now you might ask yourself “why on earth would I want to create another social profile when I already have one on Facebook and LinkedIn?”

Let’s look at the top 7 benefits of creating a Google Plus page for your business

1. Google+ results affect search engines rankings

Maintaining or increasing your current search engine rankings is a constant battle particularly if you’re in a competitive niche. Unfortunately Google is the dominant search engine most of your visitors use so you need to have a presence there. Creating a Google Plus Business Page and interacting with people in your niche will help your rankings.

2. Integration with other Google products

Do you already use other Google properties such as YouTube, Gmail, Blogspot, Google Reader, Google Docs, Google AdWords or Google Analytics? If you’re a business person it’s faster and easier to work with accounts that are integrated with each other rather than having to log in to separate accounts. Once you’re logged into your Google account you can easily move from one to the other.

3. Create relationships with people in your niche

Having a social media presence has become crucial for marketing your online business as it enables you to build relationships with people in your niche. Google+ circles allows you to create a specific circle (or group) for a specific niche. So if you are interested in running for example you can create a running circle and invite people into it who like to run.

4. Build your brand

Branding your business helps people to become familiar with your products and services. Having a Google Plus Business Page enables you to interact with others who also have created accounts. This may boost your business because you are getting in front of where the traffic is (where people in your niche are hanging out).

To view an example of branding visit Pepsi’s Google Plus Business Page

5. Share your content with others

Here are some ways to share your content with others using Google+

*Google+ Direct Connect
Helps visitors find your Google+ page and add it to their circles directly within Google Search.

*Google+ Button
The +1 button helps your website visitors to recommend your content or products, and share that content with their circles on Google+.

Google+ Badge
This badge is an enhanced version of the Google+ icon. It allows visitors to directly connect your site to your Google+ page and find and engage with you on Google+.
Here’s how to configure your badge:

*Stream your content
Whenever you create new content add it to your Google stream within your Google Plus Page so you can share it with others.

*Google+ search
Search on keywords, names or anything else, and use your these results to understand what people are saying about your business or products and help them to resolve customer service problems.

6. Customer analytics

Google analytics now includes social reports so you can measure the level of social interaction on your website. It shows you how many +1’s you received and analyzes their demographic information.

7. Google authorship

Google now shows author images and author byline in the search results. This helps your content to stand out from the other content because people are drawn to photos. To achieve this you need to create an author profile page containing your head shot. Click here for more info

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  1. […] forward to 2012, and Google Plus brand pages have definitely left their mark. I haven’t sent out any “I told you so” emails yet, and don’t plan on it. While I can take […]

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