How to Create A YouTube Account In Less Than 3 Minutes

  • Do you want to increase your online visibility?
  • Do you want to generate more traffic to your landing page?
  • Do you want to become an authority in your niche?

Creating a YouTube account enables you to tap into 1 billion unique users who visit YouTube each month and redirect some of that traffic to your own website.

In order to create a new YouTube account you have to create a Google account. This gives you access to all Google products such as Gmail, Google+, YouTube, Google AdWords, etc). If you sign into any one of these services you don’t have to sign into YouTube again.

If you I already have a Google Account you simply sign in with your email address and password and create a new channel.

If you already have a channel associated with your account and wish to create another one go to channels – +Add Channels. You can manage up to 50 channels from one account.

Keep in mind the name you choose for your account will be the same across all Google’s services ie Google+, YouTube, etc.

If you don’t have a Google Account follow these steps:
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How To Make A Playlist On YouTube To Improve Viewer Retention Rates

playlist on youtube

  • Do you want viewers to watch multiple videos with the least amount of effort?
  • Do you want to increase the time viewers spend watching your videos?
  • Do you want to increase your video rankings in the search engines?

Having lots of videos on your channel can cause it to become disorganized making it difficult for you and your viewers to find a specific video. Also when someone gets to the end of your video YouTube automatically displays a selection of videos from other channels causing viewers to leave your own channel.

The solution to these annoying problems is to make a Playlist.

What is a Playlist?
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How To Become A YouTube Partner To Monetize Your Videos

youtube partner

  • Do you want to make money from your YouTube videos?
  • Do you want to have more tools available to promote your videos?
  • Do you want to reach a larger audience?

Creating a YouTube video is one the the most effective ways to promote your business because videos engage your visitors far more effectively than textual content. YouTube is also the second largest search engine after Google (and Google owns YouTube). This means you can tap into this large audience to generate more traffic and sales.

Most online marketers are not aware of all the benefits for joining YouTube’s partner program so they miss out on a lot of traffic. One great example is the ability to utilize custom thumbnails. Instead of YouTube randomly selecting one of the 3 thumbnail images it automatically generates you can create your own thumbnail image that clearly illustrates what your video is about. The image also stands out amongst all the listings within Google’s search results causing visitors to click on your YouTube video instead of going elsewhere.

So how do you become a YouTube Partner?
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10 Ways To Grow Your YouTube Audience

If you’re not using YouTube to market your product or service you’re missing out on a lot of potential customers and losing sales. Creating lots of YouTube videos is a highly effective way to rapidly grow your audience.

Let’s look at some of YouTube’s statistics:

  • More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month
  • Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month
  • 100 hours of video are uploaded every minute
  • 70% of YouTube’s traffic comes from outside the US
  • It’s the second largest search engine after Google (and Google owns YouTube).

How are you going to grab slice of YouTube’s massive traffic pie?
Any successful plan consists of specific strategies or steps.

Here are the 10 steps to grow your audience on YouTube:
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Best Practices For Building Social Media Into Your WordPress Website

Social media is one of the best community building tools available in marketing today. Especially important is how you are incorporating social media organically into your brand website to make it more engaging. Below you’ll find some great best practices to lead you along the way.

social media best practises

photo credit: JefferyTurner via photopin cc

1. Place social media logos on your site for instant identification
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Social Media Marketing In 30 Minutes A Day

social media marketing
Creating and maintaining an effective social media presence can easily suck up a lot of valuable time if you haven’t clearly defined your goals. For instance you may have a friendly conversation with someone on Facebook about their dog (which has nothing to do with your business) and before you realize it you’ve just wasted 30 minutes of your time better spent on building your business.

7 steps to using Social Media Marketing in less than 30 minutes a day

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Top 7 Reasons to Create a Social Media Presence for Your Business

social media presence
Like many of you I’ve been ignoring social media to promote my online business for many years because I’ve got enough on my plate and didn’t want to waste time on something that may not work. Besides, many business people complain social media marketing takes up too much of their time plus they weren’t generating profits from it.

Why did I change my mind?

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Google Plus Business Pages – Top 7 Benefits

google plus badge

When it comes to marketing you’re business online you need to constantly keep up with the latest technologies otherwise you’ll be left behind by your competitors. Google recently introduced Google Plus which enables you to create Google Plus Business Pages. Now you might ask yourself “why on earth would I want to create another social profile when I already have one on Facebook and LinkedIn?”

Let’s look at the top 7 benefits of creating a Google Plus page for your business

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How to Integrate Social Media with Article Marketing

How to Integrate Social Media with Article Marketing

Article marketing is a highly effective method for driving traffic to your website because it provides valuable content, builds incoming links and boosts search engine rankings. Instead of relying on article directories to syndicate your content, integrate social media sites to expand your audience.

Why integrate social media with article marketing?

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Social Marketing – How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

Do you currently have a social media presence for your business?
Are you overwhelmed by the amount of time it takes to monitor these sites?

Social media marketing can easily consume a large portion of your day if you are not organized or have a clear focus. The article below provides 5 easy steps you can do daily to monitor your social media sites.

How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day

Monitoring your business’ social media presence is incredibly important. You need to respond to people talking about your brand and understand how people view your company. However, a common concern is that it takes up too much time.

The team at HubSpot spreads out the responsibilities, but it’s entirely possible for one person to keep an eye on things. If you set up a solid routine, monitoring your online presence doesn’t have to be a hassle at all.

Here are five free, easy steps you can take to get things started. Do each task in the morning when you start work, and you should be good to go. (If you want to further automate this sort of work, checkout HubFeed, a monitoring service built into all HubSpot software packages.)

1) Check Twitter for chatter about your company (2 minutes): Use tools like TweetDeck or Twitter Search to monitor conversations about your company in real-time. To check once a day, set up an RSS feed for a specific Twitter Search to go straight to your Google Reader. Do this by clicking the little RSS icon after you complete a search. Now, ongoing search results will be sent to your reader.

2) Scan Google Alerts (1.5 minutes)
: Check your Google Alerts for your company name, products, executives or brand terms. To set this up, enter your search terms and select to receive updates as they happen or once daily. Now, when people blog about your products, an alert will be sent to your inbox. You can read the articles and respond right away!

3) Check Facebook stats (1 minute): Visit your Company Page’s Facebook Insights. This can be found by clicking “more” under the page’s main photo. Scan your fans and page views count. If you are a member of a group, check to see if any new discussions started.

4) Answer Industry-related LinkedIn questions (3 minutes): Search for questions on LinkedIn that you or members of your company can answer. You can set up an RSS feed for specific question categories to go to your Google Reader as well. When you find a relevant question, respond and include a link to your website.

5) Use Google Reader to check Flickr, Delicious, Digg and others (2.5 minutes)
: Also set up RSS feeds for searches on your company name and industry terms in other social media sites. Similar to monitoring LinkedIn and Twitter, your Reader will serve as a great place to centralize your other searches too!
