How to Integrate Social Media with Article Marketing

How to Integrate Social Media with Article Marketing

Article marketing is a highly effective method for driving traffic to your website because it provides valuable content, builds incoming links and boosts search engine rankings. Instead of relying on article directories to syndicate your content, integrate social media sites to expand your audience.

Why integrate social media with article marketing?

Why do even the large retail stores use Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to interact with their customers? Well, these social media properties are becoming more and more popular as an easy way for visitors to share content. For example if a person finds a good deal or a great article they can instantly pass it on to their Facebook friends by clicking the facebook icon that’s on the sales site.

Top 3 Ways to Integrate Social Media with Article Marketing

1. Place social media icons on your blog or website

Use the WordPress plugin “sexy bookmarks” to easily add social media icons to the bottom of your posts. This enables your readers to immediately share your content on social networking sites.

2. YouTube

YouTube allows you to automatically share your video on your Facebook and Twitter accounts. To achieve this simply simply follow these steps:

Login to your account
Activity sharing
Where do I share my activities
Automatically post my activities to: Facebook – connect accounts
Save changes

3. Ezinearticles

Here are a number of ways this top article directory helps distribute your articles to social media websites.

Automatically post your article to Twitter. After your article has been approved by the editors it will appear on your Twitter account.

WordPress Plugin
You can submit your articles to ezinearticles directly from your WordPress blog by installing the ezinearticles WordPress Plugin Instead of cutting and pasting your article you simply submit it directly from your WordPress admin panel.

Add your social media sites to your EzineArticles Expert Bio
Click on the “Social Media” drop-down menu and select the social networking sites you are currently using.

“Share This Article” Box
This is box located at the bottom of every article published on ezinearticles. It makes it extremely easy for readers of your content to share it with others.These are the links it includes:

  • Social media
  • Ratings
  • Add A Comment
  • Send To Friends
  • Print This Article
  • Add To Favorites
  • Suggest A Topic

Click here for more info on the “share this article” box

By integrating social networking with article marketing it creates a viral effect. For example one well written article can quickly and easily get published throughout the Net when others promote it on their social media websites. This results in more links, traffic, and sales.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your FREE report titled:
7 Habits of Highly Effective Traffic Generation

Herman Drost is the owner and author of
Web Design, SEO, Article Marketing


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  2. Great article in plain English. I’ve just joined Ezine and am awaiting approval for some articles I’ve written. l’ll start by Tweeting a link to this before moving on.


  1. […] you already have an Ezinearticles account you can integrate social media with article marketing The title of your article will automatically be tweeted on your Twitter […]

  2. […] you already have an Ezinearticles account you can integrate social media with article marketing The title of your article will automatically be tweeted on your Twitter […]

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