How To REMOVE COPYRIGHT CLAIMS On YouTube Using YouTube’s New Studio Tools

Nothing is more frustrating than getting a copyright strike
on your video after you’ve spent hours creating it.

I’ve received multiple strikes on my channel over the years so I know how it feels, and it doesn’t feel good. In the video below, I show the new YouTube studio tools you can use to remove copyright claims from your videos.

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You’ll learn…
* Where to find a copyright strike info for your channel.
* What happens when you get a copyright strike
* How to use the new claim editing tool.
* How to use a new video list feature for copyright claims.
* Important things you should know about YouTube and copyright.

Where to find copyright strike info for your channel.
– Log to YouTube channel,
– Click on YouTube studio.
– On the channel dashboard, you’ll see your channel violations
– Click the videos tab, click filter,
– Click copyright claims.
You’ll be able to see the videos, visibility, monetization, restrictions, date, views, comments, likes, dislikes.

If I hover over the copyright claim, it says this video was found to contain copyrighted material. As a result, it cannot be monetized by the uploader.

This means I can still keep the video active on my channel, but I just can’t make money from it.

If I click on see more details, then I get the copyright summary in status. It says video cannot be monetized, the content ID claim on your video doesn’t affect your channel. This is not a copyright strike. It shows the content used, claim type, impact on the video, video can’t be monetized or I can select ad revenue paid to copyright owner.

If I click on select action drop-down box, I can trim out a segment, replace the song, mute the song or dispute it. If I replace the song or trim out the offending segment, then I can monetize this video. I wouldn’t have to worry about the content ID claim on the video anymore.

When you trim out copyrighted content claimed by Content ID on your video, it automatically releases the claim.

If you got a copyright strike and absolutely believe it was an error, then, by all means, appeal the strike.

Here’s the message you’ll receive in YouTube studio if you got a copyright strike. The copyright owner asks us to take down the video because they believe it contains material that violates their copyright. As a result, the video is removed from YouTube, your channel received a strike. If you get three copyright strikes, your account along with any associated channels will be subject to termination. If you do nothing, the strike will expire after 90 days, you can request a retraction, or you can submit a counter notification. Deleting the video will not remove the strike.

Under actions you can contact the claimant or you could submit a counter-notification.

What happens when you get a copyright strike?
1. It acts as a warning.
The first time you get a strike you’ll have to go through copyright school. YouTube does this so you can understand copyright and how it’s enforced by YouTube.

2. Monetization is disabled.
This means you’re no longer be able to make money from AdSense ads that are on that video.

If your live stream was removed for copyright, you won’t be able to go live on your channel for 90 days.

3. If you get three copyright strikes, your channel and associated channels will be subject to termination.
This means all videos that you uploaded to your account will be removed, you won’t be able to create any new channels.

4. Courtesy period.
If your channel is a member of YouTube Partner Program, you’re eligible for a courtesy period of 7 days before your channel is disabled. During the seven day period, your copyright strikes won’t expire and you also won’t be able to upload new videos to your channel.

Wow, that really sucks!

Your channel will remain live during this period so you can resolve these strikes. If the strikes are resolved through a retraction or a counter notification, then your channel won’t be disabled.

What if I give credit to the copyright owner…does this mean I can use their content?
Giving credit to the copyright owner doesn’t automatically give you the rights to use the copyrighted content. Make sure you get permission from the copyright owner to use their content before you upload the video to your channel.

Can I use content that I purchased from iTunes, CD or DVD?
Just because you purchased the content it doesn’t mean that you can upload the content to YouTube.

Even if you have a credit to the copyright owner from the content that you purchased, it may still violate copyright law.

What if I recorded content from my TV, the movie theater or the radio…Is that okay?
Just because you recorded the content yourself, doesn’t mean you have the rights to the content and you can upload it to YouTube.

For example, if you are filming video in a mall, and there was background music that is copyrighted, you couldn’t use that background music in your video, you’d have to get permission from the owners of that music.

What if I use a few seconds of copyrighted content in my video?
Any amount of unlicensed content, even if it’s for a few seconds, may result in a copyright claim from that owner.

For example, I received a copyright claim on a four-year-old video for just using a couple of seconds in the video. My appeal failed so the video was removed, I lost revenue that was generated from the video and I had to wait 90 days for the copyright strike to be removed from my channel.

Click here to learn how to avoid fair use copyright on YouTube.

Copyright strike or community guidelines strike…What’s the difference?
YouTube says copyright strikes are issued when we remove content because a copyright owner sent us a complete and valid legal request asking us to do so. Community guidelines strikes are issued when we remove content because it violates YouTube’s community guidelines. This includes but is not limited to nudity, sexual content, violent or graphic content, harmful or dangerous content or spam.

If you want to know how to legally use copyrighted music on YouTube without getting a copyright strike, watch this video, you’ll discover how to add a copyrighted music clip to your video.

If you want a grow your YouTube Channel FAST, so you can attract more views and subscribers, pick up a copy of my 200 page YouTube Marketing Guide

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