HOW TO TITLE YOUTUBE VIDEOS (My Secret Video Title Writing Formula)

Imagine getting a higher click through rate on your YouTube videos because you crafted compelling video titles, You’ll get higher rankings, more views, more subscribers, and grow your channel faster.

Watch the video below to discover my secret formula on how to title your YouTube videos, even if you’ve never had any copywriting experience.

There’s two parts to writing compelling video titles. The first part is to satisfy the search engines so people can find your videos in YouTube Search.

The second part of writing a video title is to add something compelling for your viewers, so they’ll be curious to check out your video.

Step one your main keyword in the YouTube suggestion box.

The purpose of doing this is to tap into the mind of your potential viewers.

If I enter how to build a birdhouse in the YouTube suggestion box, I get other suggestions… how to build a bird feeder, how to build a birdcage, Do it yourself birdhouse, cardboard birds in bird house, how to build a bird nest, log cabin birdhouse, et cetera. These are all search phrases that people are entering into YouTube search to get the answers to their questions.

Step two at a letter or underscore before or after your main keyword phrase.

If I add underscore space before build a birdhouse, I get other suggestions like how to build a birdhouse in Minecraft, had to build a birdhouse out of wood, how to build a birdhouse with Popsicle sticks, et cetera. If I add space underscore after build a birdhouse, I get build a birdhouse in your soul, build a birdhouse plans, build a bird house with Popsicle sticks, build a little bird house with your soul lyrics, et cetera.

I can also add letters before or after the main keyword phrase, so I’ve put a space then B. I get how to build a basic good house, how to build a Bluebird bird house, how to build a big bird house, how to build a birdhouse step-by-step.

I can also choose alternative words that mean the same like make a bird house so I can just repeat the process for make a bird house. So I’ve got make a bird house, make a bird house in your soul, make a birdhouse from milk carton, et cetera. If I who put underscore space at the beginning, I get all the how to combinations. If I put space underscore at the end, Then I get make a little birdhouse in your soul lyrics make a little birdhouse in your soul pushing daisies, so you’re substituting different words that mean the same or look different.

Use the LSI graph tool to generate LSI keywords that Google loves. LSI keywords are keywords related to the main keyword.

If I add build a birdhouse in LSI graph, I get different combinations of words, so build a birdhouse kit, birdhouse measurements, build it, decorate a bird house plans. It also gives me the search volume and cost per click.

Step three, view the search volume.

If you install keywords everywhere, it’ll give you the search volume and cost per click.

For example, I’ve got build a birdhouse 5,400 searches per month. Build a bird house in your soul, 70 searches per month. Build a bird house plans, 390 searches per month. This means if you target those keyword phrases and put them in your title, you can rank on the first page of YouTube.

LSI graph also shows you the trends and the search volume. So how to build a birdhouse YouTube, 110 searches per month.

Build a birdhouse kit, 700 searches per month. So you know these are keyword phrases that people are entering in YouTube search.

Step four, check the competition using TUBEBUDDY .

If I enter how to build a birdhouse in Keyword Explorer of TubeBuddy , it gives me similar suggestions to the YouTube suggestion tool. If I click explore, then it gives me an overall score, which is very poor. So I definitely wouldn’t want to go for this keyword phrase because it’s too competitive. Ideally, I want to go for a less competitive keyword phrase, so I can rank on the first page of YouTube. So even the unweighted score is only fair.

Let’s choose a less competitive title from these related titles that YouTube suggests. So I’m going to choose how to build a birdhouse step-by-step. Immediately it says it’s very good, so this is going to save me a lot of time. 76 out of a hundred this keyword isn’t too competitive. It has enough search volume to make it worth targeting. If you click on the weighted tab, it’ll be geared to my specific channel. So I click on weighted and it’s still very good. 79 out of a hundred. So this will be a great keyword phrase to go after it to get high search engine rankings.

I can also check the results by clicking results. I can immediately see that the top 10 videos don’t have the exact title phrase, how to build a birdhouse step-by-step.

So this would be a perfect phrase to go after to get high search engine rankings in YouTube. If you want to get even more suggestions, I can check out web searches from Google. Click web searches. I get how to build a birdhouse out of wood step by step. Step by step instructions on how to build a birdhouse. Immediately I get a higher score, 80 out of a hundred very good for the weighted score. U weighted score, v ery good. 77 out of a hundred.

If I check the results, I can see there’s no step by step instructions on how to build a birdhouse in the top 10 videos, so this would also be a perfect phrase to go after to rank in the search engines.

If you want to save a ton of time doing keyword research, I highly recommend upgrading to the paid option of TUBEBUDDY at:

You get 20% off any paid option if you use the promo code HERMANSBUDDY at checkout. For example, if you upgrade to the legend option, you can split test titles as well as thumbnails. This means you can test different titles and thumbnails to see which ones give you the highest click through rate.

Step five, add exact keyword phrase to start of title. Start your title with a main keyword phrase. You’ve already researched. For example, how to build a birdhouse was the main keyword phrase we chose because it has a great search volume. Now that we satisfied the search engines by placing an exact keyword phrase at the beginning of our title, we want to add something to the end of the title to satisfy viewers.

Step six, add emotional trigger to end of title. Here are some examples of attention grabbing titles…. How to make the best Apple pie without oven.

5 easy ways to write a resume, 7 extreme fashion do’s and don’ts. The secret of creating your own fashion designs. The best ever fashion designs video, the top 10 fashion mistakes you need to avoid.

If I apply these title examples to how to build a birdhouse, I could write how to build a birdhouse step-by-step. How to build a birdhouse without experience. How to build a birdhouse do’s and don’ts, how to build a birdhouse secret formula. How to build a birdhouse mistakes you need to avoid. How to build a birdhouse, 5 easy ways.

Here are some video titles and thumb nails that have done really well. This is not yellow, 19 million views.

How to tie a tie quick and easy. 38 million views.

I put 100 million or BS and my friend’s backyard, 74 million views, and here’s one of mine, how to block content on YouTube, 2020….30,000 views after six months.

Step seven weave the title into your video description.

For example, in this video that I titled how to make your first video on YouTube 2020 so it doesn’t suck. The first line says, your first video on YouTube is probably going to suck because you don’t have any experience. The second line says in this video, I’m going to show you how to make your first video on YouTube in 2020 so it doesn’t suck.

Step eight, measure title, effectiveness. Audience Retention. Look at the first 10 or 15 seconds of your audience retention graph. If there’s a sudden dip in the first few seconds, that means your video didn’t meet the expectations of the title.

Traffic sources. Identify the keyword phrases that are driving traffic to your videos. Use these same keyword phrases in your title to boost the search results of your videos. If you have the TUBEBUDDY keyword tool,

you’ll be able to see the keyword phrases that your video is ranking for. As you can see, this video ranks for multiple keyword phrases, so you’d create a series of videos using different titles.

I’ve already got confirmation that these keyword optimized titles would rank on the first page of YouTube search. You can then use those keyword phrases in your titles for future videos. You can also create a series of videos on a similar topic, but with different titles and put them in a playlist.

Click through rate. If you get a high click through rate, that means your title and your thumbnail are working well together.

Here are 7 common video title mistakes.

Number one, no SEO benefit. Your title must contain a keyword phrase, otherwise it won’t rank in the search engines.

Number two, no reader benefit. Avoid writing boring titles that don’t compel the viewer to click on the video.

Number three, lack of curiosity. When writing a title, keep in mind the searchers intent. What kind of questions are they asking and what kind of information are they going to receive from you Video?

Number four, lack of specificity If you add a number like top 10 tips or 3 easy ways that makes your title more specific.

Number five, lack of simplicity. Short titles, make them easy to read and easy to scan. Avoid using words in your title that are difficult to understand.

Number six, no sense of urgency. For example, if you write a title like how to build a birdhouse within 24 hours, that tells the viewer it’s not going to take a long time.

Number seven, title doesn’t compliment your thumbnail. Your thumbnail and title should work together to win the click. If nobody clicks on your thumbnail, they’re not going to watch a video that you spent hours creating.

Now you know the SECRET FORMULA for writing compelling video titles for your YouTube Videos.

If you want a grow your YouTube Channel FAST, so you can attract more views and subscribers, pick up a copy of my 200 page YouTube Marketing Guide

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