Safari Browser Compatibility

Traditionally I test all web sites I design with Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers. Recently a customer pointed out that an image on her website did not display correctly (it looked fine in IE and FF). I downloaded Safari for Windows XP
to view her web site. I had to alter the CSS to make her web site compatible for Safari.

Features of Safari

1. Blazing Performance
2. Elegant User Interface
3. Easy Bookmarks
4. Pop-up Blocking
5. Search any text on any website with the integrated Find banner.
6. Tabbed BrowsingTabs
7. Instantly snap back to search results or the top level of a website.
8. AutoFill Forms
9. Built-in RSS
10. Resizable Text Fields
11. Private Browsing
12. Secure

Windows Requirements

* Windows XP or Vista
* At least 256MB of RAM
500Mhz Pentium-class processor or better

Pros and Cons of the Safari Browser

Here’s one persons experience after using the Safari browser for some time.

My Recommendation

When designing web sites always validate the xhtml and css first before checking them in different browers. This will eliminate 99% of the errors. Finally check your web site in Safari, Internet Explorer and Firefox then adjust the CSS accordingly to correct display errors.

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Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Site Design

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