Should You Post The Same Article In More Than One Place?

Article marketing

Posting articles to online publications is a very effective method for building backlinks and generating traffic to your website however if not done correctly will not yield much success. Writing your article is just the first step towards marketing it. Most article marketers simply write their article then submit it to EzineArticles…currently the most popular article directory as of this writing. If you want to maximize the effectiveness of your article you should post it in several locations.

Should you post the same article in more than one place?

Content is King on the Internet and the more ways you distribute your message the better because you reach a wider audience. Posting your article to only one location limits the number of eyeballs viewing your content.

Some article marketers recommend not posting the same article to multiple article directories because search engines will view it as duplicate content and will only rank the site which publishes it first. If you’re not concerned with multiple rankings and want to reach the audience who visits a specific article directory then post the same article to multiple directories. You’ll build some new backlinks and receive some new readers. If you consistently submit your articles to multiple directories your traffic will increase.

Alternatively, if you want your article to receive multiple rankings rewrite some or all of it. Make sure you create a different title, rewrite the content and alter the resource box.

7 places to post the same article and get more traffic

1. Targeted ezines

Find targeted ezines in your niche and subscribe to them to build a relationship. Ezine publishers are always on the lookout for new content to feed their subscribers. If you submit your article to them (even if it’s the same one you submitted to an article directory or posted on your blog) it will save them time hunting for new material. A targeted ezine will generate a greater response than a general directory where your content is not competing with other article written on the same topic.

2. Guest blog posts

Bloggers are constantly under pressure to create new content. Offer to become a guest blogger for a popular blog. Check with the owner if they will allow you to publish the same article you submitted elsewhere. If not, rewrite it or combine it with other articles you’ve written to create more substantial content.

3. Document sharing sites

These are sites on the Net where millions of people share their original writings and documents. Simply convert your article to a PDF file and upload it to these sites. They have less rules than article directories. For instance you can include anchor text links within the content.

Here are a few to get you started:

4. Social media sites

Every time you post a new article on your blog announce it on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. Use excerpts of your article for blog comments and forum posts. The wider your net the more people will read your message.

5. Convert to video

Re-purpose the same article to video and submit it to video sharing websites such as YouTube, Viddler, DailyMotion, etc. YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google so your video article will reach a different audience.

6. Convert to audio

Create a podcast from the same article and submit it to podcast directories such as iTunes. Millions of people visit iTunes so you will reach a new audience with the same content.

7. Create a report

Bundle several of the same articles you submitted elsewhere into a short report or ebook then submit it to ebook directories or offer the report as a free download in exchange for contact information from an opt-in form on your website.

By implementing any or all of these methods you only have to write the article once then re-purpose it into multiple formats to expand your audience and increase your potential for generating more sales and/or subscribers.

Learn how to write and post articles correctly
to build backlinks, increase rankings and generate traffic.

Download a copy of my ebook:
Article Marketing Strategies


  1. Thank you for this article and definitive answers to the question many have been asking.

    Now I can go ahead with confidence that what I’ve already been doing is effective, and that I should do more of the same.

    Great contect and I love this site!

  2. Vicki…thanks for the feedback.


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