Article Marketing: Year in Review 2009

Article marketing has been my main traffic source for generating new leads for my online businesses in 2009. It’s helped me achieve top rankings for my web site design company web site, the web design discussion blog and many of the articles contained within them. The articles also help propel my article marketing strategies ebook sales page to the first page of Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Article Marketing year in Review 2009

I participated in a 100 day article writing challenge from August – November. That’s why you see the graph suddenly increase in the image above. It boosted the traffic to all my web sites and was the most profitable months for my business.

Each year I review how effective my article marketing strategies were. Here are some of the detailed statistics provided by the 2009 reports at Ezinearticles.

1. Most viewed articles

  • Screen Display Resolution – What Screen Size Should You Test Your Web Site For? – 543 visits
  • Article Rewriting – How to Rewrite Articles to Multiply Your Traffic – 191 visits
  • Content Management System – Top 7 Disadvantages – 161 visits
  • Web Site Evaluation – 16 Point Checklist – 131 visits

2. Highest click through rate (CTR)
(CTR = percentage of visitors who clicked through to my websites)

  • Starting an Online Business – How to Have the Correct Mind Set – 21.7%
  • Article Marketing Strategies – Top 7 – 12.5%
  • Online Writing – How to Easily Profit Online Writing Short Reports – 11.8%
  • Article Rewriting – How to Rewrite Articles to Multiply Your Traffic – 11.5%

3. Most URL Clicks from the resource box

  • Screen Display Resolution – What Screen Size Should You Test Your Web Site For? – 12 clicks
  • Article Rewriting – How to Rewrite Articles to Multiply Your Traffic – 11 clicks
  • Article Writing Template – 7 Steps For Writing a Highly Effective Article – 9 clicks
  • Article Writing Templates – Top 7 Benefits – 8 clicks

4. Articles selected by Ezine Publishers

  • How to Create an Autoresponder Ecourse From Your Articles
  • Article Writing – How to Write Article Titles That Get Clicked
  • Article Submission – Top 7 Tips For Submitting Your Articles
  • Video Marketing Benefits – Top 10 Reasons to Repurpose Your Articles Into Videos


  • Writing and submitting more articles generates more traffic.
  • Creating a good title and writing quality content improves CTR.
  • Long articles (400-800 words) do better than short articles (250-350 words).
  • Giving publishers what they want helps them select your article for publication.

Also read Article Marketing Predictions for 2010

Learn how to write & publish articles by picking up a copy of
Article Writing Strategies.