Why I Love Video Marketing

why I love video marketing

Creating videos can be very scary if you’ve never spoken on camera before. For 12 years my primary method of marketing was creating textual content. I never thought of using videos until I realized it is a very powerful medium for conveying my ideas. Now I actually prefer creating videos to writing content even though I utilize both methods.

Here are my top 7 reasons why I love creating and marketing content using videos:

1. Going beyond comfort zone

If you’re an introvert like me it’s not easy to suddenly appear on camera for all the public to see. So I had to overcome some personal obstacles when creating my first few videos. Some of these included self-consciousness, lack of confidence, paralysis of analysis by aiming for perfection, procrastination and lack of time. To overcome these obstacles I just took action and focused on the content instead of how I appeared on camera or perfecting the video creation process. With consistent practice my confidence increased. Now I actually enjoy creating new videos.

2. Express my creativity

Since most of my days are spent on technical tasks, video creation is a great way to tap into and develop the creative side of my personality. I like to think that it also exercises and builds my left brain capacity. When I’m in a creative mood there is less stress and new ideas seem to flow more freely.

3. Participate in the creative process

Much like building a house or painting a scene on canvas, I enjoy participating in the process of creating new videos. For example, I like the various ways you can express yourself on camera plus alter lighting effects, add music, text boxes, overlays, images during the editing process.

4. View the finished product

Even though it may take several hours to shoot, edit, upload and optimize the video, it brings great joy to view the finished product. I think this occurs because I’m starting from scratch and developing a product that only I created. When others compliment the video it reaffirms my commitment for creating more videos.

5. Engages all senses

The exercise of writing or reading textual content is rather flat because you’re not using all your senses. Videos are more engaging because you’re using your visual and auditory senses. This helps your audience see who you are instead of hiding behind written content.

6. Helps build trust

How many websites have you visited where you have no idea who the owner is or they can be trusted? If you include a personal video of yourself on your website explaining the benefits of your products and services it helps break down the barriers between you and your audience.

7. Generate traffic

You can attain first page rankings on YouTube and/or Google much faster than with article marketing. Many of my videos appear on the first page of YouTube within a few days of uploading them. I then redirect the traffic to my blog or an opt-in squeeze page to get them on my newsletter list. I then follow-up by delivering new content and recommending my products and services.

Let me know what you love about video marketing by leaving your comments in the box below.

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