WordPress Web Design: Top 12 benefits of designing your website with WordPress

WordPress Web Design

There are many options for designing a website for your online business. A content management system (CMS) allows you to easily maintain your web pages by logging in to an administration panel. WordPress is one of the most popular CMS on the web because it is easy to install, customize, manage and maintain. Let’s look at why you should choose WordPress to design and build your website.

Top 12 benefits of WordPress Web Design

1. Easy installation

Most popular Web hosting providers have WordPress included in their plans. This means you don’t have to use FTP to upload all your files to the server. Instead you log in to the cpanel of your Web host and click on the Fantastico icon to find the WordPress link. Clicking on the WordPress link enables you to install the WordPress software on the server.

2. Easy customization

After installing the WordPress software the default template will be displayed. There are hundreds of free WordPress templates available on the net. Simply Google free “WordPress templates” and you’ll receive a whole list of them. Choose the template you like and download the zipped files to your desktop. After unzipping the files, upload them to the theme folder on the server. Once this is done login to your administration panel and go to Settings — Appearance and select the new theme. When you refresh your web page the new theme will be displayed.

3. Easy maintenance

Within the administration panel you can add, edit or delete blog posts and pages without having to learn HTML. A simple editor is provided that enables you to write content in a similar way to a Microsoft Word document. All web pages are stored in a database. This enables you to create as many pages as you like and manage them all within the administration panel.

4. Search engine friendly

WordPress allows you to create search engine friendly URLs. After writing your blog post you can edit the end of your website address to reflect the title of your post. There are also search engine plug-ins that enable you to create optimized title and description tags for your content. Every time you write a new post WordPress automatically alerts the search engines of new content. Search engines love new content. Often times a new post will appear almost immediately in the search engine results’ pages.

5. RSS feeds

These are built into the WordPress software so visitors can easily subscribe to your feeds with their RSS reader. They simply need to click on the yellow RSS feed icon to subscribe to your content.

6. Schedule posts

Instead of writing new content for your word press website every day you can write a series of posts then schedule them to be automatically published each for the days you prefer. This is great for when you’re on holiday because new content will be added to your blog without your intervention.

7. Interactivity

Word press enables visitors to comment on your blog posts, subscribe to your RSS feeds and sign up for your newsletter subscriptions if you add an opt in form on your website. You can also encourage social media interaction by adding social media icons to your web pages.

8. Large supportive community

Because WordPress is so popular the forum at the WordPress website is an excellent resource to receive free technical support, find new plug-ins and templates.

9. Multiple plug-ins

Plug-ins enable you to extend the functionality of your WordPress website. For example there are plug-ins for search engine optimization, contact forms, site maps, social media interaction, etc.

10. Design flexibility

Although word press is mostly used for designing and building blogs it can also be used for designing a regular website. For example if you create a beautiful design in Dreamweaver or your favorite design software you can use this exact design as a static home page on your word press website. The beauty of using WordPress to develop a regular website is that you can easily create unlimited pages and maintain them within the administration panel.

11. Multiple users

If you want multiple people to add content to your WordPress website you can create a number of different uses with different passwords to log in to the administration panel. They can be assigned different roles such as administrator, editor and subscriber. This means content can be added from any location, at any time so long as it has an Internet connection.

12. Generate lots of traffic

Word press enables site owners to easily generate traffic because it has traffic tools built into the software. Here are some of the tools that can be used to attract visitors:

  • Creates search engine friendly pages
  • RSS feeds can be submitted to the RSS directories
  • Blog can be submitted to blog directories
  • Link building through comments and trackbacks
  • Ability to easily add new content that gets shared with others

Use WordPress for building your next blog or website to save time, money and to easily customize and maintain it yourself.

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Get a Professional WordPress Website designed for your
business by visiting: WordPress Web Design


  1. article very good

  2. I liked your post but you could potentially utilize a handful of social sharing buttons I’ve seen all over the place, this way I really could email this article to my buddies 🙂

  3. Is there any use to using the WP MU anymore. Trying to get a definatie response to this. As we have a new client at our design company in RI. He wants a Large site but using WPMU and as we work mainly with Joomla etc.

    Any WP experts car to comment?


  4. web designer…

    In WordPress 3.0, you now have the ability to create a network of sites (Multisite)

    Read: http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network

  5. Awesome post! It really helped me a lot! Thanks for sharing it.

  6. I’m thankful that you shared this useful info with us. Keep me posted. Thanks.

  7. I agree with the author! WordPress has made my “dream” of success a reality. Till then, I wrestled with .html, DreamWeaver, etc., etc. It wasn’t fun! Then I discovered WordPress and it changed my life. Today, I am much more successful AND have fun because of the ease of WordPress.


  1. […] To read more benefits of designing your website with WordPress go to: WordPress Web Design […]

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