How To Create A YouTube Marketing Funnel To Generate New Leads

youtube marketing funnel

If you’re not generating a continuous stream of new leads to your business you will stop making a profit and soon be out of business. One of the best ways for creating an effective marketing funnel is to build a list of contacts using YouTube videos then build a relationship over time by sending them a series of follow-up messages via your autoresponder.

Let’s look at the 7 steps for creating a YouTube Marketing Funnel

1. Define your strategy

First you need to set a goal for what you want to accomplish. For instance if you want to generate new leads for a garage door repair business you could create a series of videos that provide tips on garage door maintenance. Alternatively create a series of promotional videos that target surrounding towns ie “garage door repair Hyattsville Maryland”.

2. Create your video

Shoot the video using your iPhone, Flip Camera or digital camera. Make it less than 3 minutes long otherwise your viewers will lose patience and leave before the end. A talking head video is best because it enables you to make a personal connection with your audience. If you don’t wish to appear on camera create a slide show presentation using Power Point (PC) or Keynote (Mac).

Edit your video using Windows Movie Maker(PC) or iMovie (Mac). Alternatively outsource the editing of your videos for $5.00 using Fiver.

3. Optimize your videos for YouTube and Google

This step is absolutely essential if you want your video to attain first page rankings on YouTube and/or Google to get free traffic. Here’s a breakdown of the optimization steps..

  • include the title in your video file name ie video marketing tips.mp4
  • Use your main keyword phrase at the beginning of your title
  • Repeat your title in the description
  • Add the URL of your landing page after the title
  • Add the video content in your description (approx 500 words)
  • Include your main keywords in the tags
  • Use the associated website annotation to redirect visitors to your landing page
  • Build backlinks (links from other sites) to your video URL to increase rankings

4. Create an opt-in landing page

This is where you send YouTube viewers after they have watched your video. Even though you could send them to your blog page containing your opt-in form it’s best to send them directly to a separate landing page that doesn’t contain any other distractions (ie multiple links, images, content). It should only contain the opt-in form…nothing else so they only have one action to focus on.

To create the opt-in form use an email list provider such as YMLP or Aweber to get the opt-in code to insert into your landing page. Create a landing page by using the template in WordPress. Click here to view an example. Alternatively use It’s simple, inexpensive software that enables you to quickly and easily create an attractive looking squeeze page for your opt-in form.

5. Create an irresistible free offer

The purpose of your irresistible offer is to motivate people to subscribe to your list. Don’t create an offer no one wants or needs. Even if you have an awesome opt-in box they won’t sign up if it doesn’t relate to their business. Research the 3 biggest problems your clients are desperate to solve then offer solutions by giving away a free report in exchange for their contact information.

Take a look at this opt-in landing page offering a Free E-course on Traffic Generation

6. Set-up an autoresponder with your email follow-up messages

People usually don’t purchase something the first time they see it because they don’t know, like or trust you. To overcome these barriers build a relationship with them first by sending a series of follow-up messages (at least 7) via an autoresponder such as YMLP or Aweber. Introduce the product(s) you wish to sell (whether it’s your own or an affiliate product) within or at the end of your content.

Read my review of YMLP (Your Mailing List Provider)

7. Promote your video

Now that you’ve got your marketing funnel set-up you need to generate traffic to your video to get people into your funnel. In step 3 I showed you how to optimize your video for the search engines. If your video appears on the first page of Google for a keyword phrase that receives a ton of searches each month you’ll definitely get a lot traffic.

Other methods of promotion may include social media marketing, commenting on related blogs, forums, video channels and guest posting.

The key to making a YouTube Marketing Funnel successful is to continually improve each element of your funnel through testing until you generate a continuous stream of new leads every day.

More leads mean more sales.

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