How To Block Ads On Your YouTube Channel & Videos

Are you tired or offended by the ads that are displayed
on your YouTube videos before the content appears?

Google often displays pre-roll ads before viewers can see your content. Fortunately there’s an easy way to hide that content without having to remove the ads from the YouTube channel entirely.

Here are the steps to block ads from displaying
on your YouTube channel and videos:

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  • Sign in to
  • Click “allow and block ads”
  • Click “content host”
  • To block specific advertiser URLS click the “advertiser URLS” tab in the horizontal bar across the top of the page
  • Enter your URLS in the box provided and click “Block URLs”
  • If you want to block ads from general categories click “General categories”
  • Select the category name that you want to allow to this case I’ve got Apparel and that’s allowed
  • If I click the icon I can change it to blocked
  • If you want to block ads from sensitive categories click “sensitive categories” for example you’ve got “black magic, astrology” allowed
  • If I don’t want to allow that just click the box and it’s blocked
  • Changes are automatically saved on selection and will be reflected on your channel within 24 hours.
  • Keep in mind that the filters only block ads served via AdSense

Blocking ads on your YouTube channel and videos makes
your subscribers viewing experience a little smoother.

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21 ways to get YouTube traffic
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