How To Delete Unused Channels From Your Main YouTube Account

Have you got unused channels from your main YouTube account?

YouTube allows you to have 50 extra channels under your main account so what if you want to get rid of one of them? Fortunately removing an additional channel is easy to do.

Here are the steps to delete an unused YouTube Channel
from your main YouTube account

Watch the video below:

  • Log into your main YouTube channel home page
  • Click the profile icon
  • Here you’ll see the channels that are listed under your main youtube account
  • I’ve got a test channel here so I’m going to click on that
  • Now I’m in my test channel account
  • Click on profile icon again
  • Click “YouTube Settings” icon
  • Click “advanced”
  • Click “delete channel”
  • I’ve got a message saying “remove youtube content..hide or delete your content from’re about to hide or delete your YouTube content for Test..please choose one of the options below. “I want to permanently delete my content”
  • It says “ I want to permanently delete my content. This will permanently delete the youtube data associated with Test. Select all of the following to confirm that you understand”
  • Click this box
  • Comments, replies, messages, search and watch history will be deleted
  • This box..”the following will not be affected unless you delete your Google+ page”
  • Click “delete my content”
  • It says “delete your content? This will permanently delete all your youtube content, including all your videos, playlists, likes, subscriptions, comments, messages, search history and watch history. This data can’t be restored. Please confirm by typing in your channel name..Test”
  • Enter “Test”
  • Click “delete my content”
  • It says “you’ve successfully deleted your youtube content.
    You can also delete your Google+ page”
  • Click on that
  • Sign in I’ve logged in again
  • It says “please read this carefully. It’s not the usual yada yada. Are you sure you want to delete “Test”? You may not be able to recover all of this account’s data if you change your mind. You can transfer ownership of Test instead of deleting it. If you delete this page all of its content will be deleted including posts, videos and photos.”
  • “All this content will be deleted..yes I want to permanently
    delete this Google account and all its data”
  • Click “delete account”
  • Brand account deleted
  • Back to my account
  • Now I’ve deleted my Google Plus page as well
  • I’m going to sign back into my YouTube account
  • Ok you can see that I’ve got “Best Maryland Businesses” as my main YouTube account..I’ve got my profile account and the Test account is gone

That’s it!!
Now you know how to How To Delete A YouTube Channel
From Your Main YouTube Account

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