How Hard Is It To Get 100k Subscribers On YouTube?

Being a content creator on YouTube is hard, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. You’ll experience a wide range of emotions during your YouTube journey. From profound joy when your video goes viral, or you get a comment like this, or you get depressed or burnt out because your channel’s not growing.

In the video below, I’ll share 10 tips that help me to be consistent during my journey to 100,000 subscribers so you can achieve the same in a shorter period of time.

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SECRETS TO AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT” You’ll discover how to hook your viewers’ attention, get them to spend more time on each video, and motivate them to watch more videos from your channel, so YouTube will recommend your content to other channels.

  1. Be true to yourself.
    Avoid comparing your journey with somebody else’s journey and avoid comparing your channel with somebody else’s channel. Instead, try to be natural and just talk to the camera like you’re talking to a friend over a cup of coffee. Keep in mind that the camera may take away some of your energy. You may have to raise your energy a little before you hit record. If you feel a little stressed before you hit the record button, smile then hit record. It’ll help you to relax.
  2. Add value.
    Instead of obsessing over views and subscribers, focus on sharing something valuable with the people you care about. Herman, how do you find topics that your audience is interested in? A quick way to find out what your audience is interested in is to type your main queued phrase into the YouTube search bar. YouTube will display a bunch of phrases that people are typing into the search engines to find the content that they seek.

    Alternatively, you can use a research tab and YouTube analytics to find the content gaps that are missing on your channel. You’ll also be able to explore the search terms relevant to your channel based upon what viewers are searching for on YouTube.

    Another tip to find content ideas your viewers will be interested in is to study the comments under your videos as well as the comments under your competitor’s videos. If they’re recurring questions, turn them into video titles and answer the question in your video content. I typically use the notes app on my iPhone to jot down content ideas while I’m out and about.
  3. Have a goal.
    Having a goal for your channel helps you to focus on its growth. For example, if you just start a YouTube channel, your first goal would be to meet 100 subscribers. After you get 100 subscribers, you can get a custom URL that makes it easy for you to share your channel with other people. Instead of seeing a bunch of letters that are very difficult to remember or difficult to spell, you’ll have a shortened URL like

    After you meet the goal of 100 subscribers, your next goal could be 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the next 12 months so you can monetize YouTube channel. As a result, you can monetize every video you upload and generate revenue from it. This will help you to upgrade your gear such as a new camera or upgrading your lighting.

    When I started on my YouTube channel, my goal was not to achieve 100,000 subscribers, but simply to share valuable content with my audience. Over time, the content evolved based upon the interests of my audience.
  4. Niche down.
    When you try to appeal to everyone, you appeal to no one. The more specific you can be in your niche the easy it’ll be to create the right content for your audience. If you go too broad, you lose the interest of your audience.

    For example, my niche is how to grow your audience on YouTube, which covers a wide range of topics. Over time, I’ve discovered topics that my audience really loves and therefore I focus on those topics. For example, my audience loves to hear about how you can grow a YouTube channel or how to get more views and subscribers.

    Another popular topic or bucket is how to write better video titles. Once you’ve decided on your niche, drill down to the specific topics that your audience is really interested in. This will make it easier to create future content for your channel.
  5. Differentiate yourself from your competitors.
    Instead of copying what your competitors are doing try to approach a niche from your own unique angle. For example, you can tell stories, be entertaining or just go live.
  6. Improve each video by 1%.
    Instead of trying to improve everything at once in your video, just focus on one thing. Some examples include rewriting a title, redesigning your thumbnail, creating a strong hook in the first 30 seconds of your video, improving your watch time, or improving your delivery. If you try to improve one new thing for every new video you upload, your channel will grow faster than if you didn’t do anything.
  7. Get feedback.
    You’re probably familiar with the saying, you can’t see the forest for the trees. This means that you’re so close to your content that you can’t see what you need to change to improve your video or your channel.

    Getting feedback from your family, friends or colleagues will give you an objective view of your videos and channel. For example, I ask for feedback on different thumbnails in community posts or on my Facebook group.

    If you want to join over a thousand like-minded creators, I invite you to join my Facebook group at Tube Video Boot Camp. You’ll be able to ask questions and get feedback from like-minded creators.
  8. Batch film your videos.
    If you want to avoid the stress of not having a video to upload so you can see consistent growth on YouTube channel, I highly recommend batch filming or batch processing your videos. Typically I’ll keep a list of future content ideas in a Google doc so I won’t end up staring at a blank screen. I’ll also create two or three different scripts for videos I want to release several weeks ahead.

    When it comes to filming, I’ll film two videos at once depending on my energy level. If one video takes a long time to film and I don’t have the energy to film the second one, I’ll leave it till the next day based upon the script I’ve already produced.

    After I finish filming, I can spend the rest of the week editing my videos. Whenever I know I’m going on vacation or traveling, I’ll schedule my videos ahead of time on YouTube so I don’t have to be there to publish them. I just schedule them for the time they need to be published whether it’s one, two, or three weeks from now. This helps me to keep a consistent upload schedule without being stressed.
  9. Experiment.
    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Therefore, it’s worthwhile to experiment doing different things to see what works. For example, you get to alter the pace of your delivery, film from a different location, do something entertaining, introduce props or do a collab with another creator in your niche. If you don’t what to change, ask for feedback from other creators in your niche or look at the top creators in your niche to see what they’re doing differently.
  10. Never give up.
    If I’d given up growing my YouTube channel over the last 16 years, I would never achieve the milestone of 100,000 subscribers. Many creators give up right before their channel is about to take off. There’s going to be times when you’re stressed out because you don’t have time to create new videos, depressed because you didn’t get many views or subscribers on a video you spent hours creating, burned out because you never took a break uploading new content for several years but you keep going anyway to grow your channel.

    Keep in mind the video you upload today may not take off until weeks, months, or even years later. You do the work once and reap the benefits over and over.

    For example, this video’s gotten over a million and a half views since it was published, gained almost 9,000 subscribers and made $4500. In the first two days, it only received 274 views. After 90 days, it received almost 5,000 views. One year later, it attracted 431,000 views. Two years later, it attracted over a million views. Three years later, it accumulated over a million and a half views. Currently, every 48 hours it accumulates over 3,000 views.

    As you can see the majority of views, subscribers and revenue only came later not when I first uploaded the video. Don’t obsess over views and subscribers when you first upload your video.

    For example, this video triggered Google search one year after it was uploaded and currently ranks at the top of Google search displaying a large thumbnail. As a result, this video’s gotten almost 38,000 views since was published and currently received 243 views every 48 hours.

    Instead of giving up, take a pause, recharge your batteries then come back when you’re refreshed and motivated. One of the best ways to do this is to attend a conference of like-minded creators. For example, the last few years I’ve been attending the VidSummit conference in Los Angeles put on by Derral Eves. They have amazing speakers and you can interact with hundreds of people that doing the same thing as yourself.

My 3 BIG takeaways to grow your YouTube channel to 100,000 subscribers is to pursue your passion, be consistent with your upload schedule and persevere even when the going gets tough. If you achieve all three, you’ll shorten the time it takes to get to 100,000 subscribers.

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Watch this video on how to get your first 1,000 subscribers quickly on YouTube.

Click here to Get My New Video Course
SECRETS TO AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT” You’ll discover how to hook your viewers’ attention, get them to spend more time on each video, and motivate them to watch more videos from your channel, so YouTube will recommend your content to other channels.

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