How To Do Keyword Research Right From Your Browser

Are you wasting time creating YouTube videos that
don’t receive any search traffic?

If your YouTube videos don’t appear on YouTube or Google you’re missing out on an automated stream of traffic. Researching the correct keywords before you create your video is essential if you want to generate traffic, leads and sales.

Do you want to get the search volume and cost per click for
any keyword right from your Google search bar?

Now you can by installing the browser add-on..”Keywords Everywhere” This browser extension saves you the hassle of copying data from multiple websites and using the google adwords keyword planner tool to find the search volume and cost per click for your keywords. The browser extension is available on both Chrome and Firefox.

Let me show you how it works:

Watch the video below

1. Install the Chrome Extension

  • Go to and click the “browser add-on”
    You can install it for both chrome or firefox.
  • Click on “install for chrome”
  • After you’ve installed the browser add-on you’ll get this page…“Thank you for installing our Chrome extension – Keywords need to sign up below for the free API Key to use the Chrome extension.”
  • So you just fill in your email address and they’ll send you the API key.
  • Once you’ve got it installed you can adjust the add-on settings.
  • You’ll see the icon at the top of your browser named..”Keywords everywhere keyword tool”
  • Click on the icon to open it up.

2. Enter your keywords or keyword phrases in the search box
Enter “video marketing” or multiple keywords line by line or separated by commas.

3. Click Get Search Volume and Cost Per Click (CPC)
Click “Get search volume and CPC”

4. View your results
Here you can see my keyword is “video marketing”…search volume is
12,100 and the cost per click is $5.68

5. Download your list of keywords in CSV, Excel or PDF formats.
You can copy the results or download the excel, CSV, PDF or even print the results.

6. Start again to research different keywords
Click on “reset and start again” to research a different set of keywords.

Here’s how to use Ubersuggest using the Chrome extension “Keywords Everywhere”

Ubersuggest suggests the keywords and keyword phrases people enter into Google. By itself Ubersuggest only gives you the suggested keywords. After installing “Keywords Everywhere” you will see 2 extra columns..Search Volume and CPC. On the left you’ve got the keywords and on the right
you’ve got the monthly volume and the CPC.

How to use Keywords Everywhere to your advantage

If your keyword has a high search volume and high CPC that means it’s very competitive and it will be hard to rank the videos on YouTube and Google. It’s better to find long tail keywords which are less competitive so they’ll be easier to rank for.

Here are some reviews of the keyword tool..

Daragh Walsh says “ Love seeing search volume + CPC right under the Google search bar”

TLB says “I really can’t believe this tool is free. It’s amazing. I’m very surprised also that I’ve not read about it in keyword tool recommendation articles. It’s literally in my top 3 of best tools now.”

Bradley Anderson says..“Most useful SEO-based tool I’ve found yet in Chrome extensions

Now you can save a ton of time by getting the search volume
and CPC for any keyword right from your browser.

Download my video upload checklist at:
You’ll learn the 10 things that you need to do before going live with your video on YouTube.

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