How To Livestream On YouTube Without 1000 Subscribers (no software needed)

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Check that your channel is enabled for livestreaming

  • Log in to YouTube channel,
  • Click on settings,
  • Click on channel status and features. As you can see here, livestreaming has been enabled for this channel.
  • If your channel hasn’t been enabled for livestreaming, it means that you haven’t verified your YouTube account.
  • You’ll be asked to enter a phone number then YouTube will send you a verification code by text or voice mail to that number.
  • After your channel has been verified, you’ll be able to go live within 24 hours.
  • Just click on the camera icon at the top of the page where it says create a video post.
  • Click, go live,
  • Enter a title for your video,
  • Select your privacy settings. You can select public, unlisted or private. If you select unlisted, anyone with a link can view it.
  • You can also schedule the livestream by checking the box.
  • Choose your day, month and the time,
  • Check if your video is made for kids or not made for kids. This is required. In this case, it’s not made for kids so I’m going to check that.

    Do you want to restrict this video to an adult audience?
  • I’m going to select, “No, don’t restrict my video to viewers over 18 only.” I can also select more options. I can also add a description.
  • I can select my category. In this case, I’m going to do “people and blogs” and select my camera. It’s my webcam.
  • Select my mic which in this case is the blue snowball or I can select an internal microphone.
  • If I click advanced settings, I can allow chat or not allow chat and I can select this video contains paid promotions such as paid product placement, sponsorships or endorsements, but it doesn’t so I’m going to leave that off.
  • Click next. I’m going to smile for a thumbnail.
  • Edit the stream metadata so I can edit the description, the title, privacy settings et cetera.
  • Click go live, it says going live. On top here, we’ve got live. I’ve got the timer. I’ve got number of people that are on the livestream and then I’ve got also the number of likes.
  • If somebody is on the livestream then the comments will appear here on the live chat.
  • If I add a comment, how are you doing? As you can see, the comments appear here on the right.
  • I can also filter the comments. I can remove it and
  • Down the bottom I’ve got the microphone. I can mute the microphone.
  • I can also share my livestream with other people on social media. You’ve got Facebook Twitter, Blogger, Pinterest, Linkedin et cetera.
  • After you’ve finished a livestream, just click “end stream”. It says..”Are you sure you want to end your stream?
  • Click end. It says the stream is finished, has number of playbacks, has a duration, peak concurrence, total watch time. If any new subscribers have joined and the average watch time.
  • It also has the option to edit it in the studio.

    Let’s check where the stream appears.
  • Log into the dashboard
  • Go to videos,
  • Click on live and you’ll see the livestream

Here some things you need to do before you go live.

  1. Prepare your topic and content.
    I simply create a series of bullet points in a Google Doc on a topic that my audience is interested in. I’ll then prepare a series of slides and graphics and keynotes so I can stay on track during my presentation.
  2. Set up your livestreaming watch page.
    Your livestream watch page if organized correctly will appear as a recommended video on the home screen of your subscribers’ feed. Make sure you optimize the title description tags for your livestream watch page. Make sure you also upload an eye-catching thumbnail so it can clearly be seen in the search engines. It’ll appear on the home screen for people that have subscribed to your channel, suggested videos and even on YouTube search.
  3. Share your streaming link at least 48 hours before you go live.
    You can send an e-mail notification or post it on your social media sites.

Here’s what to do during a livestream.

  1. Start with a great hook instead of greeting your viewers at the beginning of your livestream.
    You have to keep in mind people watching the replay so they’ll want to get the content right away. Your hook could be a question or introducing the content about what they’re going to receive.
  2. Introduce yourself and your channel.
    Let people know who you are, what your channel is about and why they should subscribe because many people on the livestream are probably new.
  3. Greet your viewers.
    People like to be acknowledged when they spent time on your livestream, make sure you greet them at the beginning of your presentation.
  4. Tell viewers to ask their questions at the end of your presentation.
    Sometimes I invite viewers to ask their questions during the presentation if they’re related to the content that I’m sharing. This also encourages viewers to interact with your content while they’re watching live.
  5. Present your content.
    While I’m presenting content, I try to move between the slides and myself talking to mix up the content of the video
  6. Remind people to like/comment on the livestream
    Get some interaction on your livestream by asking viewers to like and comment on the video. The activity will help the video to appear on YouTube search results.
  7. Call to action.
    After presenting your content, give a call to action such as recommending your products and services, liking your livestream, leaving a comment or even asking suggestions for your next live.

Here’s what to do after you’ve gone live so you can get the maximum return on your investment.

  • Trim your video.
    You can use the YouTube video editor to trim the beginning and middle sections of your livestream.

    Click here to watch my video on how to trim an existing video on YouTube using the new YouTube video editor. You might want to trim out sections that may not be of interest to your viewers when they watch in replay.
  • Add cards and end screens.
    If there’s a particular topic where you wanted to go deeper, but you didn’t have time during a presentation you can add a card or in screen to the livestream. You can add an end screen to your live using the YouTube video editor.
  • Promote on social media.
    After you finish your love, promote it on social media sites like Twitter Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn et cetera.
  • Add your livestream video to a playlist.
    For example, I created a playlist that contains all my livestreams then added it to the bottom of my YouTube channel homepage.
  • Add timestamps.
    Adding timestamps to the description below your video allow viewers to quickly skip to that particular section of your livestream. When someone clicks on the timestamp in the description, they immediately get taken to that particular section of your livestream.
  • Repurpose your livestreaming content.
    Extract snippets from your video content to use on your social media sites. I sometimes create a shorter regular video that summarizes the content of my livestream then link to my livestream video. You can also use the content from your livestream to create a video course. Instead of having one long video, you can chop up your content into different segments.

    You can also transcribe your video content and post it on your blog.

How do you go live from your mobile phone?
I’m glad you asked, just watch my next video on how to go live from your iPhone or Android device. Keep in mind you’ll need 1,000 subscribers to go live from your mobile phone.

Get The One Blueprint That Gives You Step-By-Step Instructions On How To Grow A Profitable YouTube Channel. Click here for more info

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