- How can your YouTube account and videos be deleted?
- What steps do you need to take get them recovered?
- How can you prevent your account from being terminated?
You wake up one day and check your YouTube account . Your heart sinks because it has been deleted. Instead of seeing your channel you read this notice.. “this account has been terminated due to repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines.”
Here are some reasons why your account may be terminated:
- Repeated violations of the Community Guidelines or Terms of Service.
- A single case of severe abuse (such as predatory behavior or spam.
- Accounts dedicated to a policy violation (hate speech, harassment, impersonation, etc)
Recently YouTube flagged my friend’s YouTube account. He woke up one morning to discover his account had been terminated. His account had been active for 7 years. It contained tons of videos he used to market his business. The 1000s of hours he had invested creating videos for his channel had disappeared. This meant he could no longer upload useful content or interact with his YouTube subscribers.
Fortunately he had his account reinstated after appealing to YouTube.
So how do you appeal a video strike:
According to YouTube…
“Strikes are issued when our reviewers identify a violation of the Community Guidelines. When a strike is issued, an email is sent to the user and an alert will also appear the next time they sign into YouTube in their Channel Settings.”
Read YouTube’s community guidelines to make sure you didn’t violate any of them. If the video did not violate them, YouTube will restore your account and remove the strike.
To appeal a strike
- Visit your Channel Settings
- It will show your account is not in good standing
- Click the arrow next to the Community
Guidelines section to show your strikes - Click “Appeal this decision” link.
In my friends case his YouTube account was restored within 24 hours because he was proactive. Instead of waiting for YouTube to make a decision on his appeal he wrote a blog post explaining why he didn’t violate any community guidelines or copyright and asked people to comment on his post. Some of his friends also knew people who worked at Google. This helped speed up the appeal process.
You can appeal each video strike only once. If they uphold their original decision on the strike, you will be unable to appeal future strikes on your account for a period of 60 days.
Here’s a bit more information about what
happens with each strike you receive:
- First Strike: The first strike on an account is considered a warning.
- Second Strike: If your account receives two strikes within a six month period, you won’t be able to post new content to YouTube for two weeks. If there are no further issues, full privileges are restored automatically after the two week period.
- Third Strike: If an account receives a third Community Guidelines strike before the first strike has expired, the account will be terminated.
Copyright strikes
Copyright strikes are counted separately from Community Guidelines strikes. YouTube removes content when they receive complete and valid removal requests. When content is removed, a strike is applied to the uploader’s account.
If you receive three copyright strikes, your account will be suspended and all the videos uploaded to your account will be removed. Users with suspended accounts are prohibited from creating new accounts.
5 Ways To Prevent Your YouTube Account From Being Deleted
1. Familiarize yourself with YouTube’s community guidelines and copyright violations.
2. Create original videos
Only create videos where you own or have created all the content.
Avoid using other people’s content such as:
- Audiovisual works (TV shows, movies, online videos).
- Sound recordings and musical compositions
- Written works ( lectures, articles, books, musical compositions).
- Visual works ( paintings, posters, advertisements).
- Video games and computer software.
- Dramatic works (plays and musicals).
3. Give credit to the copyright owner
In some circumstances, it is possible to use a copyright-protected work without infringing the owner’s copyright. It is important to note that your video can still be affected by a claim of copyright infringement, even if you have…
- Give credit to the copyright owner
- Refrained from monetizing the infringing video
- Noticed similar videos that appear on YouTube
- Purchased the content on iTunes, a CD, or DVD
- Recorded the content yourself from TV, a movie theater, or the radio
- Stated that “no copyright infringement is intended”
For more info on this visit:
Is it possible to use a copyright-protected work without infringing?
For more information on copyright visit:
Frequently Asked Copyright Questions
4. Get viewers to opt-in to your own list
When viewers finish watching your video invite them to download a free report or software in exchange for their email address. This enables you to build a relationship with the people on your list by providing valuable content and recommending products to build their business.
5. Create alternative lead funnels
You’ve probably heard the saying “don’t put all your eggs into one basket.” This means don’t use YouTube as your only source of lead generation. Diversify your traffic generation strategies by using blog posts, forum marketing, social media (ie Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+), solo ads, guest posting, ezine publications and forum marketing.
If you want to get more traffic, more leads and more sales
using YouTube videos subscribe to my free e-course at
I’m Back! YouTube Reinstated My Account After The Appeal!
YouTube Account Terminated? Here’s How To Make
Sure It Does Not Happen To You!
Youtube Terminated Account PREVENTION & RECOVERY
I have received a Community Guidelines Strike on Youtube video. My video has been blocked and my appeal time has been passed away. please help this matter.
Email you directly if you have YouTube partner status so you can get a reply from a real person other wise ask your question in the YouTube help forums when YT staff hangout