YouTube Notifications Not Working – How To Fix

Hey, YouTube. Why am I no longer receiving email notifications from my subscriptions?

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YouTube: If you’ve opted in to get emails from new uploads, live streams, premieres from channels you’ve subscribed to, these emails going away.

Herman: Thanks, YouTube, but my viewers need more clarification. In this video, I’m going to explain why YouTube notifications are not working, how to fix them and turn them on, how to manage YouTube notifications, and how to view subscribe notification metrics to see how many subscribers have been notified.

YouTube: Just want to remind you, you still get notifications on your mobile phone via the YouTube app or on the desktop via the Chrome browser if you have notifications turned on.

How To Turn On YouTuBe Notifications

  • Log into YouTube channel,
  • click on your profile icon,
  • click “Settings”, click “Notifications”.
  • At the top here it says, “Choose when and how to be notified. Select push and email notifications you’d like to receive.”
  • If you want to receive desktop notifications in your Chrome browser, move the slider to the right.
  • You get a pop-up box saying, “YouTube wants to show notifications,” and just click “Allow”.
  • I usually check all these preference boxes like subscriptions, “Notify me about activity from channels I’m subscribed to.”

YouTube: Keep in mind if you’ve opted in to receive emails for new uploads, live streams, premieres from channels you’ve subscribed to, these are all going away. You still get notified on your mobile phone through the YouTube app if you’ve turned on notifications for your phone. You can also get them on your desktop via the Chrome browser if you’ve turned on notifications.

  • Recommended videos, “Notify me of videos I might like based on what I watch.”
  • Activity on my channel, “Notify me about comments and other activity on my channel or videos.”
  • Activity on my comments, “Notify me about activity on my comments on others’ videos.
  • Replies to my comments, “Notify me about replies to my comments.”
  • Mentions, “Notify me when others mention my channel.”
  • Shared content, “Notify me when others share my content on their channel.”
  • Under “Email notifications”, turn on “Send me emails about my YouTube activity and updates I requested”. You also have the option to enable “General product updates” and “Your YouTube channel updates”. These are announcements and personalized tips.

Are you having any of these common issues?

  • I’m subscribed to a channel but not receiving notifications. I
  • ‘m receiving some but not all notifications.
  • I used to receive notifications but now I don’t.
  • I’m getting notifications but they’re not popping up on my screen.
  • I’m not receiving notifications at all, anywhere.
  • I want to get notifications from my Chrome browser.
  • I want to get email notifications. I’m going to hand this over to YouTube.

YouTube: Thanks, Herman. Let me see if I can help you out.

  1. Check the account you signed into. Click your profile icon, click “Switch account”. Make sure you’re signed in to the correct account.
  2. Check your notification settings. I showed you this before but let me quickly show you where it is. Log into YouTube channel, click on your profile icon, click “Settings”. Just check all the notifications you wish to enable.
  3. Check your channel settings. If you’re subscribed to a channel but aren’t receiving notifications, it may be because the channel’s notification settings are off. Go to the channel that you wish to subscribe to, click the “Subscribe” button, then click the bell notification icon. You’ve got three choices. You’ve got “All”, “Personalized” and “None”.

    “All” means you’ll receive notifications for all uploads and live streams. “Personalized” means you’ll receive notifications for some uploads and live streams. These are based on watch history and how frequently you watch videos from the channel and how popular certain videos are. “None” means you won’t receive any notifications from this channel.

If you’re on your mobile phone, tap the “Subscribe” button, tap the bell icon, then tap “All” to receive all notifications. “All” means you’ll receive notifications for all uploads and live streams.

If you’re on the iPhone, then tap “Settings” then tap “YouTube”. Tap “Notifications” to turn them on. Move the slider to the right to “Allow notifications” on your iPhone. You can select “All”, “Personalized” or “None”. I recommend just checking “All”.

View Subscriber Notification Metrics

The “Subscriber bell notifications” card gives you an idea of what percentage of your subscribers receive new notifications from your channel.

  • Sign in to YouTube channel and click on the “Audience” tab in YouTube “Analytics”.
  • On the “Subscriber bell notifications”, you’ll see subscribers who turned on “All notifications” for your channel. Typical on YouTube is between 10% and 30%. Subscribers who turned on “All notifications” for your channel and enabled YouTube notifications. Typical on YouTube is between 5% and 20%.
  • Keep in mind that notifications can’t reach subscribers who disabled notifications on the YouTube app or signed out. If a viewer is subscribed to your channel from their mobile phone but didn’t turn on notifications on their phone, then they won’t receive the notifications.
  • If subscribers chose “All” notifications when they clicked the bell icon, they’ll receive personalized notifications. This includes new video uploads, live streams, and premieres. L

Here’s how to check how many subscribers received notifications for an individual video.

  • Log into YouTube channel,
  • click on your profile icon.
  • Click “YouTube Studio”,
  • select your individual video by just hovering over it,
  • click the analytics icon,
  • scroll down.
  • If you hover over “Bell notifications sent”, it says, “How many push notifications about this video were sent to your subscribers who opted to receive “All notifications”, and how many of them actually clicked it and watched.”
  • This was since the video was published. On the “Bell notifications sent”, it says that 6.8K subscribers got notifications.
  • If I hover over the “i” icon it says, “Before your video was published 6.8K (9.7%) of your subscribers had “All notifications” turned on and had enabled YouTube notifications on their device. Notifications can’t reach subscribers who disabled notifications on the YouTube app or signed out.”
  • For “Notification click-through rate”, my video got 1%. Typical on YouTube is between 0.5% and 2.5%. I got 66 views from bell notifications. This number does not include people who saw your bell notification and watched the video later. Hey, YouTube.

What’s the difference between “Notifications click-through rate” and “Thumbnail click-through rate”?

Your “Notifications click-through rate” represents how many people saw a bell notification for your video and clicked it.

Your “Thumbnail click-through rate” or CTR represents how many people saw your video thumbnail on YouTube and clicked it.

Why didn’t all my notifications get sent?

  • The most common reason is that your “Bell notification sent” may be less than 100%.
  • Your channel already sent the maximum of three video notifications in a 24-hour period.
  • You published more than three videos in a short amount of time.
  • Your subscriber count changed significantly in the last 24 hours.
  • Another reason is that you may have changed your videos’ privacy settings before all notifications were sent.

Here are top reasons YouTube subscribers are not receiving notifications.

  • Subscribers haven’t turned on their bell notifications.
  • Subscribers haven’t selected to receive all notifications.
  • Subscribers have turned off the notifications on the mobile phone and phone settings maybe got overwhelmed.
  • When you subscribe to a channel, the default notification is a personalized notification. This is a customized experience that differs with each person.
  • Billions of notifications are sent every day so not all of them are going to make it through.
  • Creators uploading at the same time may cause some notifications to get lost.

Would you like to know how to make a YouTube subscribe link so people can subscribe to YouTube channel from anywhere on the net?

If that’s a yes, watch my next video on How To Make a YouTube Subscribe Link to Promote Your Channel.

Click here to get The One Blueprint That Gives You Step-By-Step Instructions On How To Grow A Profitable YouTube Channel.

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